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你是个经常担忧的人吗?Are you a chronic worrier?

担心通货膨胀的人还有什么忧虑呢?What’s an inflation worrier to do?

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我不愿意承认,但我确实常常杞人忧天。I hate to admit it, but I'm a worrier.

我妈妈肯定会是他们两个人中比较担心我的那个。She was certainly the worrier of the two.

我会告诉她“宝贝儿,记住,你妈妈是个杞人忧天者。Baby, " I'll tell her, "remember, your momma is a worrier.

祖父令人敬仰的发愁者。当我是个小孩子时。He was my inspiration when I was a boy a worrier to look up to.

许多参与者在他们一生中都担忧。Many of the participants were something of a worrier throughout their life.

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或许你只是个业余的忧虑者,只是为自己的事情而忧虑。Or you may be a minor league worrier concerned only about your own personal problems.

宇宙要完结了,这本来可激起一种极好的挑战,特别对于我这种天才的发愁者来说。The end of the universe should have been a splendid challenge for a gifted worrier like me.

父母之间要能互相平衡,当一方担心发愁的时候,另一方就要保持冷静。Parents often balance each other, with one being the worrier and the other one remaining calm.

事实上,塞缪尔·约翰逊——一个担忧重度患者,称担心为“想象力的疾病”。Indeed, , Samuel Johnson, a prodigious worrier himself, called worry a "disease of the imagination".

跳舞是协助放松的愉快运动,连最忧愁的人都会分心。One of the most pleasurable exercises around, uninhibited dancing distracts even the most committed worrier.

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全球信息的即时传递为每个人提供了观察、报道和表达忧虑的渠道,使应对这一挑战变得更加艰难。The challenge is intensified when instant global communication turns everyone into an observer, reporter, and worrier all at once.

我的祖父关于我和梅尔·奥特以及艾丽纳·罗斯福的古怪的烦恼,足以使一个同时代的烦恼人带着忌妒哭泣。My grandfather's quaint worries about me and Mel Ott and Eleanor Roosevelt are enough to make a contemporary worrier weep with envy.

想所有的习惯一样,总有一种冲动让你去担忧,并且不可轻易摆脱这一习惯,尤其是你一直以来都总是个忧虑者时。Like all habits, there is a momentum to worry, and it might not be easy to break away from this, especially if you’ve been a worrier all your life.

最近,世界卫生组织通过问卷,在帮助卫生工作者弄清楚父母属于哪种类型担忧和如何减轻特定的忧虑上制定了指导方针。The WHO recently developed guidelines to help health workers figure out, through a questionnaire, which type of worrier a parent is—and how to alleviate specific concerns.

不易忧虑的人能够去看待难题并且找出需要的解决方法,“但是易忧虑的人却无法达到那种程度,”她解释道,“他们的思绪转得很快。”Non-worriers are able to look at a problem and recognize what solution needs to be implemented, "but a worrier isn't able to get that kind of distance, " she explains. "The mind goes a lot faster.