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我们附上人民币200的支票一张。We enclose a cheque fpr RMB 200.

随函寄去我方价目表一份。We enclose a copy of our pricelist.

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非商业用,内附结果txt。Non-commercial use, enclose the TXT.

请附上写明姓名地址的回邮信封。Please enclose a self-addressed envelope.

请在里面附一个写作你自己地址的信封。Please enclose a self-addressed envelope.

随信附上十镑支票一张。I enclose herewith a cheque for 10 pounds.

随函附上一份目录供你方参考。We enclose a catalogue for your reference.

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随函奉送详细报价单。We enclose herewith our detailed quotation.

谨谢上新的商品目录和价格表。We enclose our new catalogue and price list.

我随信附上两张票。I enclose two tickets along with this letter.

随函寄上简历表及作品一份。I enclose a resume and one of my publications.

密封并保护所有未绝缘的导体。Enclose and protect all uninsulated conductors.

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随函我扶上信用证的副本。I enclose herewith copy of the Letter of Credit.

我在信中附了一张十美元的支票。I enclose a check for 10 dollars with the letter.

附上我们第45号销售条约一式两份。We enclose our sales contract No. 45 in duplicate.

随函敬附已连署的合约副本。I enclose the bottom copy with my countersignature.

我附带了评估报告供您阅读。读书郎学习机下载。I enclose the evaluation report for your reference.

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一张生面皮包一个肉里脊,要全部裹好,封实。Wrap each piece of pork fillet in pastry to enclose.

贴有邮票并写好地址的回邮信封。I enclose a stamped addressed envelope for your reply.

附上几张我目前借居的那个家庭的照片。I enclose some pictures of the family I'm staying with.