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谁是米兰城之王?Who is the one in Milan?

米兰是支冠军球队。Milan are a team of champions.

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大教堂广场,宏伟!Galleria in Piazza Duomo, Milan.

路易斯法比亚诺会不会为米兰效力?Will Luis Fabiano play for Milan?

我们都会快快乐乐地回到米兰。We will all go back happy to Milan.

今天是小克的米兰德比啊…This entry was posted in forza milan.

米兰能首夺获得欧洲联盟杯吗?。Can AC Milan get their first UEFA cup?

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从此迪卡尼奥再也没有获得机会。Di Canio never played for Milan again.

米兰街头各种亮色当道。Colored brights on the streets of Milan.

米兰当时和佛罗伦萨是一样大的城市。Milan at the time was as big as Florence.

博格坎普在米兰受到了很多批评。Bergkamp received much criticism in Milan.

我想要带他一起回到米兰城。I want to bring him back with me to Milan.

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米兰遭遇斯巴达队。Milan have been matched with Sparta Praha.

如果没有,那么你可以在2015年去米兰。If you didn't, you can go to Milan in 2015.

这是米兰第三次前往西班牙加里西亚地区比赛。It is the third match in Galicia for Milan.

一次,我去米兰拜访一家很棒的工作室。I once visited a very nice atelier in Milan.

意大利方面,米兰和罗马也对马塞雷斯感兴趣。In Italy, Milan and Roma were also informed.

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阿尔贝托-帕罗斯基希望能留在AC米兰。Alberto Paloschi hopes to stay with AC Milan.

但是,我的感觉是,他将会留在米兰城。But my feeling is that he will stay in Milan.

作者米兰·昆德拉,一部经典著作。By Milan Kundera. A classic, and a great read.