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请将款项用支票汇来。Please remit by check.

他的步伐开始减慢。His pace began to remit.

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我会把钱汇给你。I'll remit you the money.

你千万不可松劲。You mustn't remit your efforts.

我还是将钱通过信汇寄过去吧。I could remit it by mail transfer.

请速将款项用汇票汇来。Please remit promptly by money order.

请将款项汇到我方的账户上。Please remit the amount to our account.

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我希望你能及时把钱汇寄给我。I hope you'll remit me the money in time.

请立即把余额汇给我们。Kindly remit us the balance without delay.

我们能否将利润汇寄到国外?Can we remit our profit to foreign countries?

你确定要跟阿爹汇合?You determine with does the dad remit to mate?

现在,你该做一些不那么符合逻辑的事情,你应该赦免。Now you do something that is not logical, you remit.

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我们决定将研究工作推迟到明年进行。We decided to remit our research work till next year.

我方今天已电汇给你方银行帐号8124美元。We have today remit by thus 8124 to your bank account.

请您尽早将钱汇来。Please remit me the money at your earliest convenience.

您想要航空信还是电汇,先生?Do you want to remit the money by airmail or by cable, sir?

您想要航空信汇还是电汇,先生?Do you want to remit the money by air mail or by cable, sir?

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首先,它表示“取消债务,原谅或免除罪过。”First, it means “to cancel a debt, to pardon or remit guilt.”

如能即日付款,双方都会很愉快。It would be much pleasanter all around for you to remit today.

政府力图使城镇居民恢复安定生活。The government tried to remit the urban residents into stability.