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他总是工作迟到。He’s always tardy for work.

对不起,我又迟到了。Sorry for being tardy again.

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迟到将是灾难性的。A tardy arrival is disastrous.

谈在你的工作、学习中是否有拖拉的现象?Are your tardy in your work or study?

那些在面试中迟到的人做不到这一点。Someone who's tardy to an interview is neither.

我的短信亦只能是一艘向你行进却迟迟没有归航的船只。My message is only a tardy un- homing sail that bear up for you.

芬今天早上迟到的说词是公车误点了。Steven was tardy this morning and alleges that his bus was late.

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宵禁后从磨蹭的少年那儿听个故事,他的故事能让马克土温自愧不如。Greet a tardy teenager after curfew for a yarn that puts Mark Twain to shame.

当然,在智能手机出现很久之前,人们就有迟到的现象,甚至是习惯性迟到的现象。Of course, people were tardy -- even chronically so -- long before smart phones.

鲁弗斯在这一学年竟令人不可思议地旷课40多天,迟到也有18次之多。Rufus missed an unbelievable 40 days of school this year and was tardy another 18.

杰米•塔蒂在一家电视点播公司做项目经理时,她的收入是六位数。Jaime Tardy once earned six figures as a project manager for a video-on-demand company.

确实,中央银行已经提高了利率,但是他们反应迟缓。True, central banks have been raising interest rates, but they have tended to be tardy.

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狄隆佐在她的研究中发现,公司经理「比较不会提拔爱迟到的员工」。Managers, Ms. DeLonzor found in her research, "are less likely to promote tardy employees."

有时候毒素的累积,也正是体重迟迟不降的原因。Occasionally the accumulation of toxin, also be the reason that weight does not fall tardy.

当我再次装修厨房时,到底把橱柜漆成什么颜色,迟迟定不下来。When I decorate a kitchen again, paint ambry after all what color, do not come down surely tardy.

后苏哈托时代,印尼经济恢复缓慢,政局动荡,社会矛盾丛生。In this era, the recovery of economy is tardy , political situation roils , social conflicts cluster.

很多家长认为这是一个迟来的反应,是对新建小学较低地位令人心痛的提醒。Many parents considered this a tardy response that was a stinging reminder of Xinjian's low standing.

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早于或晚于交货期窗口的任务都不受欢迎,且将导致提前或拖期惩罚。Early or tardy its due window of the job is highly discouraged, and it will incur earliness or tardiness penalty.

方法回顾性分析28例老年迟发性硬膜下积液的CT资料。Methods The CT features and clinical manifestation of senile tardy SFA in 28 cases were retrospectively analyzed.

几年前,新加坡日行一善理事会甚至开展了一项提高出席婚宴准时性的活动,以解决人们抱怨一些宾客拖拉、不准时到场的问题。A few years ago, SKM even launched a drive to improve punctuality at wedding dinners following an outcry about tardy guests.