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你们集装箱码头有货运站吗?Do you have a CFS in your container terminal?

通常,在货运站托盘是被用作存放货物的。Usually, pallets are used to store goods at CFS.

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参照日本的有关试验方法,对国内外的多种炭布和粘接剂进行了系列试验研究。Four kinds of CFS and four kinds of epoxies were used in the test.

更何况,只是看医生,或者说看个CFS的专家门诊,并不见多会多有效。And just seeing a doctor — a specialist in CFS — wasn't very effective.

需要更多的研究,以确定是否有任何肉碱中心真正受益。More research is needed to determine whether carnitine has any true benefit for CFS.

Singh的实验数据是迄今为止关于此方面最新的研究结果,同样,在CFS患者体内未发现XMRV。Singh's study is the latest of several that have failed to find XMRV in CFS patients.

码头特别提供专用闸口及车道供客户的车辆进出,方便货车直达货仓交收。The terminal provides exclusive gate-in counter to facilitate vendor delivery to the CFS.

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但是医生们很快指出不管什么原因造成CFS,它的症状是真实存在的并会导致患者伤残。But, as doctors are often quick to point out, CFS is real and disabling no matter the cause.

因此医学界对于慢性疲劳综合症是否为一种确定的疾病尚存争论。Thus there is disagreement in the medical community as to whether CFS is a distinct disease.

认知行为治疗与分级锻鍊运动可能可以有效地治疗部分的病患。Cognitive-behavior treatment and graded exercise may be effective for some patients with CFS.

又,目前货柜集散站经营业多藉投保之方式,转嫁其货损赔偿责任风险。Moreover, CFS operators always transfer the risk of cargo damage liability by application of insurance now.

CDC的研究人员把注意力集中在堪萨斯州威奇托市,给居民打电话以便评估他们是否有CFS症状。CDC investigators zeroed in on Wichita, Kansas, telephoning residents to assess whether they had symptoms of CFS.

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Mikovits说她仍然相信那14位CFS患者体内是含有XMRV病毒的。Mikovits says she remains confident that the 14 CFS patients she selected for Singh's group have XMRV in their bodies.

最后,分析承保货柜集散站货损责任风险之保险单,以利于货柜集散站经营业者于选择上之参考。At last, the researchers analyzed the content of CFS liability insurance policy for providing suggestions to CFS operators.

结果表明采用的计算方法是正确的,经过碳纤维布加固的钢筋混凝土外伸梁,其承载能力较未加固梁有较大幅度的增加。Experimental results show that the method is accurate and CFS has good effect on improving carrying capacity of extension beam.

此外,本文认为我国应针对货柜集散站制定专门法规,以做为现存货损赔偿责任问题的根本解决之道。For the sake of uprooting the current cargo damage liability problem, the researchers assume a specialized CFS law is necessary.

用集装箱装载且由铁路货车免税运输的,支付时不依照联合运输的提货单。CIP loaded in container and free on railway way on at CY or CFS near station. Payment SINOTRANS combined transport bill of lading.

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本文采用有限元方法对冷成型薄壁钢构件在轴向拉压循环荷载作用下的滞回性能进行数值模拟。Herein, the hysteretic behavior of CFS members under cyclic uniaxial loading is numerically simulated by the finite element method.

方法采用认知心理功能的试验研究方法对30例CFS病人及健康对照者的认知功能进行测定。Methods30 patients with CFS and 30 healthy people were measured for their cognitive status by experimental psychological techniques.

但更让他们担心害怕的是这种方法可能会适得其反,剧烈活动很可能会导致他们精疲力尽,动弹不得。But a bigger concern is that CFS patients are afraid the approach can backfire, sending them to bed exhausted by post-exertional malaise.