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所以对很多州政府来说,六月是让他们烦恼的一个月。For many states June was an agonising month.

在我知道怎么分散精力之前,我都是煎熬着度过那些日子的。The first few days before I discovered some distraction techniques were agonising.

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我们已经经受了家人生命和健康逝去的痛苦的七年。We've suffered an agonising seven years which has ruined the lives and health of my family.

然而最近阿姆斯特朗却在为如何表达自己关于太空飞行的意见而烦恼。In recent days, however, Mr Armstrong has been agonising over how to present his views on space flight.

一名15岁中国长颈鹿男孩将进行手术,因为这样的脖子总是让他烦恼和疼痛。A 15-year-old boy is to undergo surgery on his exceptionally long neck, which causes him agonising pain.

我经历了生活的起起落落,也经历一些令人苦闷的时期。但是我很幸运-我的故事有一个幸福的结局。I'e been on a roller-coaster ride, with some agonising times. But I'm lucky — my story has a happy ending.

我经历了生活的起起落落,也经历一些令人苦闷的时期。但是我很幸运-我的故事有一个幸福的结局。I've been on a roller-coaster ride, with some agonising times. But I'm lucky — my story has a happy ending.

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英国救援队救了不少人,但也有遗憾的时候,一个十八岁的女孩在被救出后几分钟离开人世。UK team had some successes but one agonising failure when an 18-year-old girl died minutes away from rescue.

黄河水量减少成为“痛苦的细流”,每年直流入海的天数已不够200天。The Yellow River has been reduced to "an agonising trickle". It no longer reaches the sea for 200 days a year.

要抓住钱不放、或者为钱而伤心及在花钱上的吝惜都表明你太依恋金钱。Trying to hold on to your money or agonising over it and begrudging spending it reveals that you are too attached.

戴利和搭档彼得•沃特菲尔德在双人跳水比赛中屈居第四,当时卡梅伦也在一旁观战。And he was in the stands when Daley and his partner Peter Waterfield came an agonising fourth in the synchronized diving.

科学家发明读一系列关于痛苦悲伤含义的词语会拿获人脑中措置惩罚痛苦悲伤反映的地区范围。Scientists found that reading a list of words associated with agonising experiences triggers a reaction in the part of the brain that handles pain.

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要抓住钱不放、或者为钱而伤心及在花钱上的吝惜都表明你太依恋金钱。Don't be precious about your money. Trying to hold on to your money or agonising over it and begrudging spending it reveals that you are too attached.

2004年欧洲杯的时候,杰拉德就因转会切尔西的问题悬而未决而导致状态低迷,本届世界杯则轮到乔科尔和米尔纳了。Steven Gerrard was agonising over a move to Chelsea when he underperformed at Euro 2004 and Joe Cole and James Milner are in similar positions this time.

臭名昭著的黑死病元凶,染鼠疫的跳蚤第一次登陆英格兰是1348年,导致超过一般人口痛苦的死去。The notorious author of the Black Death, first visiting England in 1348 by rat-borne fleas, and leading to the agonising death of over half of its population.

市面上有很多的书专门用来取名字,父母经常会花好几个月苦恼着该给孩子起什么名字,有时候,人们还去法庭依法更改自己的名字。There are a huge number of books written on the subject, parents spend months agonising over the decision and people sometimes go to court to get theirs' legally changed.

这也许是仅有一次的机会,因此尽管无法和伙伴们一起在周日的比赛中出战很让人苦恼,但是我将会努力确保我处于未来征战中的一部分。It could be a once-in-a-liftime season. So while it is agonising I can't be with the lads on the pitch on Sunday, I'll be working hard to ensure I am part of the whole adventure.