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了解光泽县地方性克汀病20年综合防治的效果。To study 20 years disease control effect of endemic cretinism in Guangze County.

克汀病导致精神缺陷和障碍的高发病率。Clinical cretinism results in an extremely high degree of mental defectiveness and impairment.

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南疆地区的主要地方病有地甲病、克汀病、地氟病等。The major endemic diseases in Southern Xinjiang are endemic goiter, cretinism and endemic fluorosis etc.

克汀病就是国际脸,小方脸,两眼离得远,嘴老张著,有的时候还吐口水,眼往上吊。Cretinism is international face, a square face, small eyes, mouth away with Lao , sometimes also spits, eye to hang himself.

碘缺乏最严重的后果是脖子上出现甲状腺肿,或者是明显的残疾,比如呆小症和侏儒症。The result in extreme cases is large goiters that swell their necks, or other obvious impairments such as dwarfism or cretinism.

最明显和最严重的后果是残障性甲状腺肿、呆小病和侏儒症。The most visible and severe effects —disabling goiters, cretinism and dwarfism —affect a tiny minority, usually in mountain villages.

故听力及前庭功能检测结果可作为临床诊断克汀、亚克汀病较可靠的依据之一。Thence the survey of hearing and vestibular function could become one of the diagnostic bases of cretinism and subclinical cretinism.

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本文报告4例女性地克病尸检材料的光镜和电镜定位观察。This paper reports localization observation of the autopsy in 4 female cases with endemic cretinism under light and electron microscope.

它对人们的社会发展以及其接受教育的能力具有破坏性的影响。Cretinism and a low average IQ have a devastating impact on the Tibetan people – on their social development and their ability to be educated.

本文报道51例地方性亚临床克汀病患者和62名同龄正常人的脑电图检查和对比分析结果。This article reports the EEG examination in 51 patients with endemic subclinical cretinism and 62 cases of normal individuals at the same ages.

我们对黑龙江省地克病流行区397名小学生进行了寄生虫病调查。发现该区有十二种寄生虫病。Parasitosis was investigated in 397 schoolchildren in the involved area of endemic cretinism in this paper. 12 kinds of parasitosis were found in this asea.

对青海和新疆粘肿型地克病高发区患者血浆硒、血清铜、锌、T4、T3及TSH进行了研究。Plasma selenium, serum copper, zinc, T4, T3, and TSH were determined in endemic cretins from Qinghai and Xinjiang myxedematous type endemic cretinism areas.

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在贵州省地克病流行区两个乡碘盐防治后出生的522名儿童中,临床检出4例新发地克病患者。Four new cases of endemic cretinism were found from 522 children born after salt iodization prophylaxis by clinical examination in two villages, Guizhou Province.

本文报告了湖北省郧阳地区地甲病、地克病病区与非病区粮食、蔬菜和饮水中微量元素的测定分析结果。An investigation of the trace element contents in grain, vegetable and water was carried out in both endemic and non-endemic areas of goiter and cretinism in Yunvang, Hubei Province.

目的探讨碘缺乏区智商与精神运动功能的关系,评估轻度缺碘区亚临床克汀病的发生率。Objective To research the relationship between intelligence quotient and psychomotor ability and to evaluate the prevalence of sub-clinical cretinism in mild iodine deficiency areas.