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齿轮箱。Gear box.

带好安全设备。Carry safety gear.

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您使用什么摄影器材?What gear do you use?

吊索具是一种起重工具。Sling with a lifting gear.

让汽车排挡置于空挡位置。Leave a car in neutral gear.

这家店专卖钓鱼用具。The shop sells fishing gear.

玩家可以给角色装备防具。You can wear protective gear.

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舵机系泊测验。Mooring test of steering gear.

吊索具是起重工具的一种。Sling with a lifting gear kind.

渔具缠住我船的螺旋桨。Fishing gear fouled my propeller.

可用于与其他齿轮油。May be used with other gear oils.

如果有疑问,请使用自己的装备。When in doubt, use your own gear.

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齿轮泵如何选择密封垫?How to choose the gear pump seals?

它的设备广销于欧洲。Its gear is widely used in Europe.

他老是把车挂快档。He always puts the car in high gear.

他们把工具装上运货车。They loaded their gear into the van.

这个大齿轮带动那个小齿轮。This large gear turns the small one.

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紧线器是一种起重工具。Tight-line device is a lifting gear.

你怎么确定何时换档?How do you tell when to change gear ?

也许,我们是工作上的排档。Perhaps, we are the gear which works.