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我真希望罗拍能来一趟!I wish to goodness Roper would come!

谁是世界上最伟大罗珀?Who's the greatest roper in the world?

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不过我们在这里谈论的是罗帕和特里·康克林。But we're here to talk about Roper and Terry Conklin.

第一摩托车蒸汽动力古怪建造的西尔维斯特罗佩尔于1869年。The first motorcycle was a steam powered oddity built by Sylvester Roper in 1869.

一个套小牛的选手要想成为行家里手,他必须花费大量的时间来进行练习。In order for a calf roper to become proficient he must spend a great deal of time practicing.

罗珀夫人愉快的接受了这份工作,因为她认为这是适合自己的工作。Mrs. Roper accepted the employment with pleasure because she thought that was the right job for her.

一项洛普民意调查发现,去年有六分之一的美国雇用清洁服务,较一九八六年的十分之一比率上升许多。Roper poll found that one in six Americans hired cleaning help last year, up from one in 10 in 1986.

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一项洛普民意调查发现,去年有六分之一的美国雇用清洁服务,较一九八六年的十分之一比率上升许多。A Roper poll found that one in six Americans hired cleaning help last year, up from one in 10 in 1986.

随后参赛者将绳子抛在牛的右侧,同时把他的飞驰中的马转到左侧。The roper then flips the rope over the right side of the steer, while turning his galloping horse to the left.

体重约为700磅的牛被强迫以高速奔跑,突然参赛者扔出绳子绕住牛角。Steers weighing approximately 700 pounds are forced to run at top speed while the roper throws the rope around the steer's horns.

从这个意义上来讲,调整旧法和创立新法对全面适当保护域名的权利,都是刻不容缓的。In this sense it is imperative to adjust the old law and create new law for the roper and complete protection of domain name rights.

但是,Roper说,减缓然后是停止全球变暖的真正工作应该来自发达国家,它们排放了绝大多数温室气体。But Roper says that the real work of slowing, and then stopping, global warming needs to come from those developed countries that emit the most greenhouse gases.

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Roper建议,一方面这些国家应该得到属于它们的援助和技术支援的份额,同时它们也通过削减自己的排放来树立发展楷模作用。While these nations need their fair share of aid and technical assistance, they should also take the lead by cutting down on their own emissions, Roper suggests.

但接着就出现了十分奇怪的情况。当罗帕先生问这些被调查的人在这些媒体中他们最不相信哪一个时,报纸居首位。But then something really strange happens. When Mr. Roper asked his guinea pigs which of these media they would be least inclined to believe , the newspapers topped the list.

罗珀先生进行了一项小小的鲜为人知的调查,题目是“从问答调查看观众对电视的反应”But here are some interesting statistics from a little , and little known , survey by Mr. Roper called " The public's reaction to Television Following the Quiz Investigations ".