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跟孩子们在院子里踢球。Playing kickball in the yard with my kids.

有时我们不踢足球,我们玩足垒球。Sometimes we like to play kickball instead.

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我踢球的时候把小腿肌肉拉伤了,该怎么处理!My kickball when pull crus muscle, how should handle!

我家喜欢玩橄榄球或踢球,玩“冰棍化了”游戏。My family likes to play soccer or kickball. Play freeze tag.

就算是一个傻傻的游戏,比方说踢球,都可以从高年级孩子那里学到点什么。Even a benign game like kickball can benefit from an upgrade.

是谁规定儿童足球不适合40岁的人玩的?But who decided kickball is not a proper thing for a 40-year-old to play?

踢球是美国人于四十年代时发明的一项与棒球相约的运动。Kickball is a playground game, similar to baseball, invented in the United States.

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盛唐时期,万邦来朝,蹴鞠大会在皇宫内盛大举行。Tang period, the IMC to North Korea, kickball Conference was held in a grand palace.

每周我要打三四次篮球,或者跟明星足球队的朋友踢踢球。Every week I should play basketball 34 times, the friend that perhaps follows star football team kicks kickball.

一方面因为生活比较丰富,比如拿一部分时间玩游戏,另一部分时间出去踢球。Abound quite because of the life on one hand, take for instance one part-time play game, another part-time go out kickball.

踢球需要球员混合多种技能,包括传球、踢球及滚球,球员亦需要耐力及速度于球场内驰骋。A good player in kickball will often connect with a bowling, kicking, and throwing ball, and fast speed running around the court.

他们一起骑自行车、在街边玩垒球、在夏天游泳、一起听唱片。They rode bikes, played kickball in the street, swam all summer long and listened to Andy Gibb, the Bay City Rollers and Shaun Cassidy on the stereo.

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他心目中的理想是,等到退休了,抽根雪茄在一旁看着一群小伙子踢球,这才是最奢侈的享受。The ideal in his memory is, when emeritus, the cigar that take a root is in look at a flock of boy kickball aside, this ability is the most extravagant enjoyment.

反在彼基本上,介绍了各类踢球动做——外开线法、矢量域法等等,并给出了每类方式的实现和略。All kinds of ways of kickball, such as perpendicular bisector kickball method, vector field kickball method, are introduced and the implement methods are given, too.

3岁左右的孩子能拿起一台iPhone,娴熟地滚动菜单,但有多少7岁大的孩子能组织一场与邻家孩子的足球赛?The average 3-year-old can pick up an iPhone and expertly scroll through the menu of apps, but how many 7-year-olds can organize a kickball game with the neighborhood kids?