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德国病态地兴奋,并失去平衡。Germany was morbidly overexcited and unbalanced.

当BMI大于40时就可认为是病态的肥胖。A person with a BMI of oer 40 is considered morbidly obese.

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当BMI大于40时就可认为是病态的肥胖。A person with a BMI of over 40 is considered morbidly obese.

靠此方法,阿杰隆仅用16个月就甩掉了他一半的体重。The formerly morbidly obese Ajello shed half his body weight in just 16 months.

他们会为了我们,也会为了我们对自己身体的病态恐惧而继续这样做下去。They will be doing it for us, and our morbidly projected fears for our own bodies.

超重的BMI值是25,肥胖的BMI值是30,病态肥胖的是40。Overweight begins at a BMI measurement of 25, obese at 30 and morbidly obese at 40.

第二天早上,我神思恍惚地读了他从越南寄给我的那些信。The next morning, I morbidly read the letters he had sent me while he was over there.

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范德卢顿夫妇对有关他们隐居生活的任何批评都敏感得要命。The van der Luydens were morbidly sensitive to any criticism of their secluded existence.

你成为病态肥胖的风险和遗传、代谢速率有关。Your risk of becoming morbidly obese is a combination of your genetics and metabolic rate.

这一组中的19个缺失了同样的一组基因,他们全部都是病态肥胖者。Nineteen people in this group were missing the same set of genes, and all were morbidly obese.

例如一个人的身高是6英尺5英寸,则155磅为超重,186磅为肥胖,248磅则为病态肥胖。A 5-foot-6 person is considered overweight at 155 pounds, obese at 186 pounds and morbidly obese at 248 pounds.

在最近的一项研究中,研究者随访了53位年龄从13到17岁的经历了胃束带手术的肥胖青少年患者。In a recent study, researchers followed 53 morbidly obese adolescents ages 13 to 17 who underwent lap band surgery.

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研究显示,带捆绑手术应用于13至17岁间的53个病态肥胖的青少年。Lap band surgery was performed on 53 morbidly obese adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17, according to the study.

当他们的体重指数达到40或更高,人们被诊断为病态性肥胖,通常超重100磅。People are considered morbidly obese when their body mass index is at 40 or above, usually about 100 pounds overweight.

指数位于18-25之间的,为正常,指数位于25-30之间的,为超重,30-40的为肥胖,40以上的为病态肥胖。A score of between 18 and 25 is considered normal, while 25 to 30 is overweight, 30 to 40 obese and over 40 morbidly obese.

在大多数国家,看到两个病态肥胖的男人在公开场所穿着短裤相互摔打,人们可能会去报警。In most countries the sight of two morbidly obese men dressed in pants grappling in public would be cause to call the police.

而且近年来女性肥胖人数有所下降,而男性的过度肥胖人数却急剧增长。In addition, the number of overweight women has fallen in recent years while the number of morbidly obese men is rising sharply.

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母亲迎接他时那种热情得近乎病态的爱怜,这位十六岁的军官很不高兴。The morbidly passionate tenderness with which his mother received him was by no means gratifying to the sixteen-year-old officer.

肾损害的健美运动员有相似之处中看到的病态肥胖患者,但似乎更严重。The kidney damage in the bodybuilders has similarities to that seen in morbidly obese patients, but appears to be even more severe.

较之于正常体重的妇女,中度肥胖妇女分娩患病婴儿的风险高11个百分点,而重度肥胖妇女分娩患病婴儿的风险则高33个百分点。Compared to normal-weight women, the risk is 11 percent higher in moderately obese women and 33 percent higher in morbidly obese women.