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在班加罗尔的最后几天,我和LG是紧紧张张的。Last few days in Bangalore , LG and I are very busy.

没几个周,我就加入到班加罗尔蜂拥的汽车大军当中。Within weeks, I had joined the honking swarm driving in Bangalore.

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斑蝶栖息在印度班加罗尔市内的一棵树的树枝上。Butterflies of the milkweed family sit on a tree branch in Bangalore.

他的绝大多数朋友要么去班加罗尔,要么失业在家。Most of his friends had either moved to Bangalore or were unemployed.

印度西南部的一座城市,位于班加罗尔西南部马拉巴尔海岸边。A city of southwest India on the Malabar Coast southwest of Bangalore.

这也不仅限于如中国上海或印度班加罗尔这样的一线城市。Nor is it confined to first-tier cities such as Shanghai and Bangalore.

哥印拜陀印度南部一城市,在孟加罗尔西南编南。A city of southwest India on the Arabian Sea south-southwest of Bangalore.

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不观赏下班加罗尔的科技建筑,真是不算来了印度。Don't watch the technical construction, next bangalore is not coming India.

严禁酒后驾车。班加罗尔交警部门重要公告。Don't drink and drive. Issued in public interest by Bangalore Traffic Police.

您忠实的P?曼达尔,班加罗尔分行客户存款部助理经理。Yours faithfully, P. Mandal, assistant manager customer deposits, Bangalore branch.

他发现在成名后掌声与媒体关注不值一文,在试过各种不同的工作后,在1995年决定回到班加罗尔。After trying his hand at odd jobs, Syed finally decided to return to Bangalore in 1995.

印度裔美国雇员帮助美国咨询公司在班加罗尔挑选人才。Indian-American employees help American consulting firms scout for talent in Bangalore.

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它涵盖地区,从新德里国家首都地区到孟买,班加罗尔和钦奈。It covers areas from the Dehli national capital region to Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai.

班加罗尔和海德拉巴这些城市已经成为美国在印度国内的“电子城”。Bangalore and Hyderabad have “electronic cities” crowded with America’s leading companies.

他将电脑部和在线客服业务外包给孟买和班加罗尔。He outsourced the computer department and online customer service to Mumbai and Bangalore.

曼格特说一天下午在班加罗尔吃午饭时,他告诉了阿尔瓦自己的决定。Over a lunch in Bangalore one afternoon, Mr. Mangat says he told Mr. Alva of his decision.

1987年时,12岁的Syed从班加罗尔的家中出走,与几个朋友跑到了孟买,身无分文的他只能在孟买Churchgate火车站附近的立交桥下栖身。In 1987, and aged 12, Syed ran away from his home in Bangalore with some friends to Mumbai.

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该宣言提到了印度,该国发展了著名的高技术中心,诸如班加罗尔。The manifesto cites India, which has developed renowned high-technology sites such as Bangalore.

来自印度班加罗尔的戴安娜启动了一个项目叫做“流浪狗自由班加罗尔”。Diana Bharucha is from Bangalore, India. She started a program called 'Stray Dogs Free Bangalore.'

虎航同样也将新加坡-班加罗尔航线从每周五班增加至日航班。Tiger Airways is also to increase frequency from five weekly to daily on the Singapore to Bangalore.