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其他书名费明仪的故事。The story of Barbara Fei.

嘿,巴布拉,对不起,我迟到了。Hello, Barbara. Sorry I'm late.

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芭芭拉·普勒特在联合国报道。From the UN, Barbara Plett reports.

你本可以和巴巴拉住在一起。You could have stayed with Barbara.

狱官把芭芭拉放出去泡茶。Barbara out coz she makes their tea.

芭芭拉普莱特,伊斯兰堡报道。Barbara Plett reports from Islamabad.

我是在真正危机的状态下去找笆笆拉的。I met Barbara at a point of real crisis.

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芭芭拉确实喜欢在银行工作。Barbara really enjoys working at the bank.

找遍所有地方,没人能找到霍华德和芭芭拉。No one can find Howard or Barbara anywhere.

他也娶了我的姐姐芭芭拉。He is also married to my step-sister Barbara.

芭芭拉。马蒂努里也在花旗银行上班。Barbara Martinoli also works at the City Bank.

你本可以和芭白拉呆在一起的。Oh, did you?You could have stayed with Barbara.

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“这比什么都不做要好,”芭芭拉说。"It's better than doing nothing," says Barbara.

巴巴拉破产了,她栽了个大跟头。Barbara came a cropper when her business failed.

詹娜的双胞胎姐姐芭芭拉将担任伴娘。Barbara Bush, Jenna's twin, is the maid of honor.

铁路终于在1877年修到了圣巴巴拉。The railroad finally reached Santa Barbara in 1877.

加州大学圣芭芭拉分校和犹他大学随后加入。UC Santa Barbara and University of Utah later join.

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当然,等等。哦,是巴巴拉·泰勒·布拉德福。Sure, wait a sec. Oh, it is Barbara Taylor Bradford.

赖莎和我向你与芭芭拉致以最美好的祝愿。Raisa and I send to you and Barbara our very best wishes.

芭芭拉和保罗站在电影院前面。Barbara and Paul are standing in front of a movie theater.