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千万富豪平均年龄为39岁。The average age of a multimillionaire is 39.

你离开的时候,我们调查发现你是一个千万富翁。While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire.

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在您离开的这段时间,我们核实到您是一个千万富翁。While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire.

克利是一个拥有三个奥运金牌的千万富翁。Kelly was a multimillionaire contractor who was a triple Olympic Gold Medal winner.

现在49岁的他是南卡罗来纳州约克市的一名投资顾问和千万富翁。Now he’s a 49-year-old investment advisor and multimillionaire in York, South Carolina.

我的室友Ted曾经是在芝加哥证券交易所由一席之地的亿万富翁。My roommate Ted had once been a multimillionaire with a seat on the Chicago Board of Trade.

就是fox推出了“谁想嫁给千万富翁”和“诱惑岛”节目。It was the network that put forth “Who Wants to Marry a Multimillionaire?” and “Temptation Island.”

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2001年,大型公关公司WPP集团收购了他经营的咨询公司,这使他成为千万富翁。The WPP Group, a public-relations giant, turned him into a multimillionaire when it bought his consulting firm in 2001.

拉里·埃里森写那么一篇讽刺性的文章的初衷是因为他生活无羁,且是一个三次结婚三次离婚的亿万富翁。Larry Ellison is a prime choice for such lampooning because-married, thrice-divorced multimillionaire is larger than life.

这位千万富翁此后未能再蹦一级跳入十亿美元级富翁的龙门,而且看似他以后也没什么希望了。The multimillionaire has never made it to the rungs of billionaires and the prospect that he will one day appears to have vanished.

有朝一日,复制成年人的技术成熟了,基因的永生只要是大富豪就能购买。And when the technology arrives for cloning adult individuals, genetic immortality should be within reach of the average multimillionaire.

餐馆客人不多,上菜很快,我们的桌子很快被碟碗堆满,看来,今天我们是这里的大富豪了。The restaurant guest is more, can be served quickly, our table was quickly dish bowl filled with, it seems, today we are a multimillionaire here.

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当然,不可否认,这些事情发生在20多年前,不过他没法指出诸如自己何时成为千万富翁这样的关键时间还是令人惊奇的。While, admittedly, those events took place more than 20 years ago, it's still surprising that can't he pinpoint crucial moments such as when he became a multimillionaire.

在找对象是看重财富还是外表这一由来已久的问题上,18岁至24岁的受访女性中有一半的人称只要对方是百万富翁,即便相貌丑陋她们也愿意嫁。As for that age-old dilemma of whether to marry for wealth or looks, half of the 18- to 24-year-olds questioned said they would marry an ugly man if he were a multimillionaire.

当衰退缓慢侵蚀俱乐部来自赞助商、广告、专卖品和娱乐业的营收时,身为亿万富豪的球星们成了平衡资产负债表的大麻烦。Multimillionaire stars are putting pressure on balance sheets at a time when the recession is undermining revenues from sponsorship, advertising, merchandising, and corporate entertainment.

现在,这位从事房地产投资及商业顾问业务的亿万富豪把较多资金放在现金及私人企业上,较少投资于美国股市,从而使自己更好地规避股市震荡风险。Now, the multimillionaire real-estate investor and business consultant is more insulated from market quakes, after putting more money into cash and private businesses and less into U.S. stocks.

女孩第一次性生活图公布了与来自中国的巨星章子怡的浪漫关系。Vivi Nevo, notoriously private international multimillionaire of mystery made his romantic relationship with Chinese superstar Zhang Ziyi uncharacteristically public at the Knicks game last week.