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你可以在饮食服务处买到茶和圆面包。You could purchase tea and buns at the buttery.

目前,他可以使用这次食品车式的待遇来作为他战斗的力量。For now, he may use the buttery treat as a battle cry.

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易碎但湿润,黄油但干燥。It's crumbly yet it's moist. It's buttery yet it's dry.

当地的鳄梨既大而饱满,又润滑美味。The local avocados are large and rich and buttery as well as tasty.

这款香槟有着丰富的味道,酒体饱满浓郁。A broadly flavored, full-bodied Champagne that is rich with buttery.

成堆的火鸡盛满了黄油土豆泥,滴肉汁。Mounds of turkey piled high with buttery mashed potatoes, dripping with gravy.

牛角面包应该是奶油味浓郁,有一种天然奶制品的甜味。The flavor of a croissant should be intensely buttery with a natural dairy sweetness.

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他们将养肥为寿司市场,他们的黄油肉类带来高价格。They'll be fattened for the sushi market, where their buttery meat fetches high prices.

浓郁的桃子和瓜类水果的芳香,衬托出橡木的坚果和奶油的复杂香气。Intense white peach & melon fruit with a background of nutty oak and buttery complexity.

我喜欢它的易碎的质地和美妙的恭维黄油味的甜填补。I like its crumbly texture and wonderful buttery flavor that compliments the sweet filling.

令人愉快的坚果,黄油油的味道,这是一个伟大的除了所有类型的配方。The pleasant nutty, buttery flavor of this oil is a great addition to all types of recipes.

而撒旦却在边上呈现了千岛酱,油炸面包小块和蒜茸土司面包。And Satan presented Thousand-Island Dressing, buttery croutons and garlic toast on the side.

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然而,我的身子仿佛是一把竖琴,她的言行举止就象是手指,拨动着我的心弦。Buttery body was like a harp and her words and gestures were like fingers running upon the wires.

我们的工件原材料从非常软,像黄油一样黏稠的到非常硬的有抗剪力都有。We have workpiece materials from a very soft, buttery consistency to very hard and shear resistant.

密西西比居民最喜爱猪肉烧烤,炸鲶鱼,奶油饼干,肉汁和粉蒸肉。Residents of Mississippi favor pork barbecue, fried catfish, buttery biscuits and gravy and tamales.

它的果实像黄油一样,很甜,而且咬起来脆脆的,比超市卖的好多了。The kernels were buttery and sweet with a crisp bite, far better than the usual supermarket specimens.

牛油及荷荷巴油提供丰富的,膏状的营养物质给拉伸过的皮肤,是女性喜爱的质地。Shea and Jojoba butters provide rich, creamy nourishment to stretched skin with a buttery texture women love.

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吸吮着沾满黄油的手指,我们进入了猪馆,“FFA猪儿才艺表演大赛”刚好开始。Licking buttery fingers, we entered the Swine Building just as the "FFA Swine Show Showmanship Contest" began.

柑橘和牛油的香气结合了梨、柚子和烤面包的味道。酸度公整实在,口感幼细均衡。Citrus and buttery nose combines with flavours of pear, grapefruit and toast. Firm acidity and refined texture.

法式鹅肝以其超高的营养价值及其独特的醇美之味闻名于世,是众所周知的法国经典美食。Foie gras, a well-known delicacy in French cuisine, is a popular flavor described as rich, buttery and delicate.