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采取从芋上角的碎片。Take the SHARD from the left corner.

似乎有锋利的冰碴刺中了哈利的心。A shard of ice seemed to pierce Harry's heart.

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这一次,假设您定义一个复制碎片。This time, suppose you define one replica shard.

碎片齐发对目标生物或牌手造成3点伤害。Shard Volley deals 3 damage to target creature or player.

原子单元中的所有记录都会存储在相同的分片上。All records in an atomic unit are stored in the same shard.

作为碎片齐发的额外费用,牺牲一快地。As an additional cost to play Shard Volley, sacrifice a land.

现在我们定义应用程序中要使用的分片策略。Now we define the shard strategies to be used in the application.

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经过这次迁移之后,每个Shard大概有33G的数据。After this migration, each shard held approximately 33 GB of data.

大块多彩碎片—拆物品等级100或是更好的蓝色装备。Large Prismatic Shard ?From rare items, presumable ilvl 100 or higher.

班特此断片是绿色,白色,以及蓝色。其关键字是颂威。The shard of Bant is green, white, and blue. Its keyword ability is exalted.

接下来,我们基于碎片策略实现构建碎片策略工厂。Next, we build the Shard Strategy Factory based on shard strategy implementations.

他捏住碎片慢慢拔了出来,虽然疼痛,但他尽力没有叫出声来。He grabs the shard and slowly pulls it out, trying his best not to cry out in pain.

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但是,这种方式并没有缓解整个Shard的性能问题。However, this didn't relieve the performance problem on the full shard. As Horowitz notes

类似的还有摩托车中心的改造项目,因为从地里挖出了殖民时代的陶器碎片也没搞成。Likewise the proposed Motor Pool Improvement, on account of a shard of Colonial crockery.

在某些情况下,它们可以用来满足读取请求卸载主碎片。In some cases, they can also be used to satisfy read requests to offload the primary shard.

当术士进入竞技场的时候,他们可以从他们的宠物那里获得一个灵魂石。Warlocks will now be properly credited a Soul Shard from their pet when they enter an Arena.

现在让我们回到我经常提到的赛跑应用程序示例中,我可以根据比赛或参赛者进行切分。Getting back to the familiar example of my racing application, I can shard by race or by runner.

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这就意味着,在Shard被用完之前,我们可以简单的定位到问题所在。This implies that it would have been fairly simple to identify the problem before a shard filled up.

碎片大厦的构思起初被建筑大师伦佐·皮亚诺写在柏林一家餐馆的餐巾背面。The Shard was conceived on the back of a napkin at a Berlin restaurant in 2000, by architect Renzo Piano.

该应用程序还使用虚拟碎片选项处理将来的数据库可伸缩性需求。This application also uses he virtual shard option to take care of future database scalability requirements.