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这个案例中的切线投资组合又是什么呢?What is the tangency portfolio in this case?

所有人都应该持有切线投资组合。Then everyone should be holding the tangency portfolio.

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切点投资组合就是我们应该持有的投资组合。The tangency portfolio is the portfolio that one should hold.

您可能还需要创造更多的表面也实现理想的切。You may also need to create additional surfaces too achieve the desired tangency.

基于在解析几何的基础上确定了切线和交点的唯一性。Based on the analysis, determine the unicity of point of tangency and point of intersection.

而另外的某些人可能会说,我就想按这个点的比例来持有投资,我想持有切线投资组合。Somebody else might say, well I want to just hold this point, I want to hold the tangency portfolio.

在最后,最终的步骤是找出一条,穿过无风险收益率的切线。Then finally, the final step is to find what is the tangency line that goes through the riskless rate.

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虽然平滑,但它存在着一个特点,就是圆弧和直线相接的地方会有一个曲率变化上的断裂。Although smooth, there is a characteristic "break line" of tangency denoting where the circle meets the line.

他的样本跨度比我的要大多了,所以他得出的切线资产组合会和我的不同。Now, he's using a much longer sample than I did, so he's not going to get this tangency portfolio that I did.

资本资产定价模型是非常重要的模型-,假设每人是理性的,并持有切线资产组合。The asset pricing model--and this is critical-- assumes everyone is rational and holds the tangency portfolio.

这一组合实际上就是等价值成本曲线和等价值收益曲线的相切点。The combination in fact is the point of tangency of the value cost equivalent curve and that of the value profit.

你不能移动的第2次控制点从每个月底,因为这将使松散的曲线相切的方向发展。You can not move the 2nd control point from each end, Because that will make the curve loose its tangency direction.

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创建表面使用扫描第2轨与相切选项。为了实现切线选项,您将必须建设中的表面部分。Create the surface using sweep 2 rails with the tangency option on. To achieve tangent option you will have to build the surface in parts.

林恩方思是田纳西州纳什维尔范德比尔特大学的一位特殊教育专家。I. Lin Fu sees Lynn Fuchs is a special education professor and at vent built Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tangency Tennessee. She studies R.

从理论上给出了工业中有关类球形微粒的处理和分析方法,并提出了一种简便的图像相切处理方法。This paper introduces an analyzing technique for determining aspheric particle images and gives a simple way of tangency process between two images.

在计算底部钻具组合的受力和变形时,以前一般都是按弯矩为零的条件来确定其上切点的位置。The tangency point of Bottom Hole Assembly is located at where the drill string just touches the wall of the borehole, and the contact force is zero here.

通过长直线和圆弧分离、尖角与弧结束判定及反向相切弧分离,进而识别多种基本图元。Though line and arc separation, sharp angle and arc end judgement, and segmentation of inverted tangency arcs, various basic metas can be well recognized.

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再一次的,第一个层次还是通过曲率过渡的加入减少切角,但是最新的版本则是加入了定位的“结构线”。Again the first layer is minimalistic Tangency with the intrusion of Curvature transition quality, but this latest version brings in Positional "bone lines."

全新的线架构编辑功能将带来更大的弹性进行空间曲线的修改。The new Wire Editor delivers greater flexibility for making changes to 3D curves, while automatically detecting and protecting established tangency conditions.

确定型钢孔型各线段的切点或交点对孔型分析及线切割程序有重要意义。To determine the point of tangency and the point of interaction of the line segment of the section pass meaningful to the pass analysis and wire cutting program.