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新的计划范型。New planning paradigm.

认识到两种范式的价值。Recognize the value of each paradigm.

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这一插曲可以充作典型例子。This episode may serve as a paradigm.

知道你自己心中的标尺,无理由的相信它。Know your paradigm and live it without excuses.

本文是系统功能语法范式的研究。This thesis is located within the paradigm of SFG.

瓦尔斯说,“高铁正在改变欧洲人的旅行习惯。”This is really changing the paradigm of travel for Europe.

不对称战争模式已经改变了所有这些旧思想。The paradigm of asymmetry war had changed all these old ideas.

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这种合流我们可以以“被看——看”的范式来分析。This confluence can be analyzed by the "be seen-see" paradigm.

语文课的存在范式为审美-情感范式。The paradigm of Chinese class is aesthetic appreciation-emotion.

THOG问题是研究不相容选言推理的一个实验范式。The THOG problem is a paradigm to study the exclusive disjunction.

短期PHT治疗也许是一个比较好的治疗方法。Short-term PHT administration may be a superior treatment paradigm.

仅仅因为基于类的OO占据着主导地位我就要使用它么?Should I use class based OO just because it's the dominant paradigm?

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但是基因的表达范式已被遗传学家广为接受。But the gene expression paradigm is widely accepted among geneticists.

如论如何,航天飞机的范例只是太空旅行的一种模式。However, the space shuttle paradigm is only one model of space access.

他表示,这一转变成为塑造其品牌的关键。This paradigm shift, he says, has become pivitol in shaping his brand.

托勒密的地心说已被认为是一个范式例子。Ptolemy's geocentric theory has been taken as an example of a paradigm.

让我们返回到大卫使用的SCAD跳模式。And this returns us to the SCAD jumping paradigm used by David Eagleman.

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韦恩伯格说,改变停车问题的思路非常困难。Nowhere, said Weinberger, will it be easy to change the parking paradigm.

OO是被大多数开发者所熟悉的行之有效的范式。OO is a well-established paradigm familiar to the majority of developers.

推测变量法是哈佛学派SCP范式的理论基础。Conjectural variation is the theory base of Harvard school's SCP paradigm.