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我恶意地挥砍身边的一只猫!I slash viciously at a nearby cat!

前门的门铃激烈地发出刺耳的声响。The front door bell jangled viciously.

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候选人遭到对手恶意中伤。The candidate was viciously slurred by his opponent.

卡弗蒂发表恶毒攻击中国人民!Cafferty published viciously attacking China's people!

这麽做虽非侠义之道,但却是邪恶地有效。It 's not chivalrous to do so, but it is viciously effective.

在最近的几个星期里,这个问题把国家是分裂成相互对立的两派。It's an issue that has divided the country viciously in recent weeks.

某些暴徒在抢劫他们的受害者之前先狠揍他们。Some of the hoodlums beat their victims viciously before robbing them.

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巴比特开着汽车,犯险地超过卡车,也不理会卡车司机的臭骂。Babbitt drove, sliding viciously past trucks, ignoring the truckmen's curses.

但同时苏联的民族利己主义也出现了恶性的膨胀发展。Meanwhile the national egoism had also been expanded and developed viciously.

开创菲亚特新纪元,脱胎换骨,来势汹汹,超级雷马1000。Create a new era , the fiat shadowfax, comes viciously , super ray horse 1000.

是你自己迷乱情迷,把友情当爱情,还要恶语中伤得不到的情感。Are you confused love, friendship when love, even viciously slander no emotion.

而且,北方还恶毒攻击南方的奴隶制度。And, said Calhoun, it had viciously attacked the southern institution of slavery.

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现在,她正在与死神抗争。她是在家中被发现被人毒殴。Now she is fighting for her life after she was found viciously beaten in her home.

我家的狗见到人就狂吠,但跟孩子们在一起时却十分老实。Our dog barks viciously at strangers, but it's as gentle as a lamb with the children.

盖伦受伤后,维德非但不顾及他的伤情,甚至会加大攻击力度。When Galen was injured, Vader ignored the boy's pain and attacked even more viciously.

GASH恶毒攻击外国人,但零食之一,您孔雀鱼不时。GASH viciously attacks aliens, but will snack on one of your guppies from time to time.

他学了几个意大利单词,但从第一次使用开始就一直遭到充满邪恶地嘲笑。He learned a few words in Italian and was mocked viciously the first time he used them.

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耶稣因为与那些被社会唾弃的人在一起而遭致批评。Jesus was criticized viciously for hanging out with the very people that society detested.

但是父母若失去理智,没命地毒打时,就一定要躲要逃了!However, if our parents lose their minds and beat us viciously , then it's time to run and hide!

它抬起头,似乎是要展开攻击,但只是恶狠狠的嘶嘶叫了几声然后就爬出去了。The snake raised its head as if to strike, but then it hissed viciously and slithered out of the room.