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托马斯现在要被从他占住的房子里驱赶出来。Thomas now faces eviction from his squat.

他正通过法庭对驱逐令表示反对。He is fighting an eviction order in court.

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你在这里随便涂涂就好了妈的!We are here to serve you an eviction notice.

因为没有支付租金,她已经收到了市政会发给她的驱逐令。She has received an eviction order from the council for non-payment of rent.

下周的驱逐行为仅仅是为这个老大难问题提供一个暂时的解决办法。The eviction next week can only be a short-term solution to a long-term problem.

今天我醒来,看见阳光明媚,百鸟欢唱,以及一张退房通知单。FML。Today, I woke up to the sun shining, the birds singing, and an eviction notice. FML.

电影里庞大驱逐的剧情,似乎让中国的审查单位感到很紧张。The dramatization of this massive eviction seems to be making Chinese censors nervous.

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孟加拉国的第三方政治力量——军人,支持高级法院的驱逐令。The country’s third political force, the army, has backed the High Court’s eviction order.

然而1998年社民党和绿党结盟之后,自民党被踢出,政党是否能够继续坚持也遭到评论家们的质疑。But after its eviction by an SPD-Green coalition in 1998, pundits wondered if it would survive.

蒙着眼睛被拘留者的谎言,在曼谷期间,驱逐行动中2010年5月19日在地上。Blindfolded detainees lie on the ground during an eviction operation in Bangkok on May 19, 2010.

进一步的法律行动,如驱逐可能需要取得占有权的处所。Further legal action, such as an eviction may be necessary to obtain possession of the premises.

巴西尔登地方议会在法庭上暗示,对这一场地的清除可能下周就要开始了。The eviction of the site could start as early as next week, Basildon council indicated in court.

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2012年12月14日,胡安娜·马德里在厨房里等待驱逐令的时候哭泣着。Juana Madrid cries in the kitchen as she waits for her eviction in Madrid, Thursday, Dec. 14, 2012.

她说,他们可能住在公寓里,可能没有身份证件,还可能被驱赶或者被驱逐出境。She says they may be living in apartments, may lack documents and may face eviction or deportation.

第二次则是因为2001年至2002年期间美国驱逐塔利班,这是受到很多阿富汗人欢迎的。The second arrived with the US eviction of the Taliban in 2001-2, which was welcomed by many Afghans.

国际移民组织说,在另外15个难民营,有1250户家庭面临被驱逐的威胁。The IOM says another 1,250 families are under imminent threat of eviction in 15 other displacement camps.

41岁的嘉芭和家人作为难民在美国定居已经有九个月了,她说她总是在害怕被人赶出家门。Nine months after her family resettled as refugees, Jaber, 41, said she worries constantly about eviction.

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前些日子,法德里已经处理了一宗强力清房案件,而这间小白房子则是他的工作日程表里的下一个。Fatheree had already handled one forcible eviction that day, and the little white house was next on his list.

吴殿元女士和王秀英女士以住曾是邻居,他们两人都是2001年强逼拆迁的受害者。Ms. Wu Dianyuan and Ms. Wang Xiuying used to be neighbors, both of them were victims of forced eviction in 2001.

强制撤离令在过去的几天里导致犹太人和巴勒斯坦人之间在该城镇发生冲突。Tensions over the eviction orders sparked clashes between Jews and Palestinians in the town in the last few days.