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好吧,得到借口是有问题的征兆。Well, getting a runaround is a symptom of a problem.

别让我打十几次电话也没个结果。Don't make me call a dozen times and get a runaround.

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我跟他借钱,他只是拿话搪塞却分文未借。I wanted to borrow money from him, he just gave me the runaround.

别找借口。你最好把你的卡放在桌上。Don't give me the runaround . You'd better put your cards on the table.

希望这次你能给我个确切的答复,别再拿话搪塞我了。I hope you can give me a real reply, don't give me the runaround again.

希望这次你能给我个确切的答复,别再拿话搪塞我了。I've come to know the definite answer this time, not the runaround again.

别拿话儿搪塞我们,我们只是想知道你到底是同意还是不同意。Don't give us the runaround. We'd just like to know whether you agree or not.

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别拿话儿搪塞我们。我们只想知道你到底古汉语翻译是同意还是不同意。Don't give us the runaround. We'd just like to know whether you agree or not.

我跟他借钱,他只是拿话搪塞却分文未借。I borrowed money from him, but he just gave me the runaround and lent me none.

当我想退会我那破空调的时候,商店老板却只是在故意搪塞我。When I tried to return my broken air conditioner, the store manager gave me the runaround.

乃缦因为想治好他的大痲疯,也以为自己被人多番推托而感到气愤。Naaman was frustrated by the runaround he thought he was getting as he sought a cure for his leprosy.

德罗巴在过去的比赛给了利物浦后防线制造了不少麻烦,他的缺阵会有多大帮助?Didier Drogba has given several Liverpool defenders the runaround in the past – how big a boost will his absence be?

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结果,你的电话被一再转驳,但你的问题始终没有解决,这种推东主西的态度令你十分气愤。You may end up frustrated with the runaround of being transferred from person to person without having your problem addressed.

维迪奇可以算是英超最好的后卫之一了,但托雷斯照样能把他耍的团团转。Nemanja Vidic has been one of the best players in the Premier League this year and Torres gave him a little bit of a runaround.

这台基于菲亚特500的阿巴斯500,有着跟前者完全一样的,可爱而又现代的外观线条。The Abarth 500 has all the manners of the cute, modern Fiat 500 runaround upon which it is based—until you press the “sport” button.

重塑医学人文精神是一个无法回避而又必须作出回答的紧迫问题。The rebuilding of the human spirit of medicine is the urgent question that we cannot runaround and must answer in the medicine circle.

温格认为沃尔科特将很快让英超的后卫们感到害怕,只要他一直刻苦努力地训练和比赛。Wenger maintains Walcott will soon be giving defenders in the English top flight the runaround , provided he continues to work hard on his approach.

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上个月阿姆斯特丹荷兰面对英格兰,格雷-约翰逊的边路防守限制全部暴露在罗本面前,最近一次,他在温布利给斯洛伐克一次扳回一球的机会。Johnson's defensive limitations, exposed by Arjen Robben in Amsterdam last month, were further illustrated as he was given a horrible runaround by Slovenia at Wembley.

阿森纳本月在这里拿到的五个进球,以及目前在联赛统计数据上可怜的两大片空白就是明证。The runaround Arsenal administered here this month in plundering five proved as much, as does the sorry tally of two clean sheets in the Premier League to date all term.

他认为他们的婚姻无懈可击,可是等她走后,他打开了她的一些信件,发现她一直都在欺骗他。He had thought there was nothing wrong with their marriage, but then he opened some of her letters while she was away and discovered that she'd been giving him the runaround.