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我们的军刀用的是420纯钢,不生锈!Our saber with 420, whilst doesn't rust!

带着一种清楚的声音,剑嗡嗡作响,闪耀着光芒。The saber hums and scintillates with a distinct sound.

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完成该洞用马刀锯文件或砂顺利。Finish the holes with a saber saw and file or sand smooth.

这只是北韩发出的赤果果的武力威胁,谁不知道啊。This is just North Korean saber rattling, pure and simple.

还有什么比遇上一群剑齿猫更加危险的呢?。What 's more dangerous than meeting one saber toothed cat?

他往好的方面考虑,希望马刀小队和其他人都会很好。He hoped for the best, hoped Saber and the others would be okay.

打开手电筒,光束能确保道路的安全。Turn the flashlight into a light saber that makes the road safe.

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我记得年轻时在法国埋了我的玩具剑。I remember playing as a lad in France burying my little toy saber.

马刀小队站在那里,向下看——所有人都举着巨大的岩石。Team Saber stood there, looking down—all of them hefting large rocks.

拿了那口刀,随这两个承局往太尉府去了。Then he took the saber and followed the two messengers to Kao Ch'iu's office.

当用马刀进行每一次刺出时,不要猛拉马的嘴。Never jerk the horse's mouth while making any of the movements with the saber.

他的恐吓威胁是很少见诸行动的,通常只是张牙舞爪,装模作样罢了!He very rarely puts his threat into practice-usually it's just saber –rattling.

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萨比尔有阿拉伯语学位,1985年嫁给拉登,之前当过老师。Saber degree in Arabic in 1985, married to bin Laden, had been a teacher before.

不应该用对马刀没有任何抵抗力的环或其他目标物。Rings or other targets which offer no resistance to the saber should not be used.

当两位绝地被分开时,摩尔以一记恰到好处的光剑攻击刺死了奎-冈。When the Jedi became separated, Maul killed Qui-Gon with a well-placed saber strike.

星辰剑率其精英部众击溃帝释天及其逆党,大乱初平。Star Saber and his elite guard defeat Magmatron's inner circle. The rebellion is crushed.

从刀光剑影的战争到泰坦尼克号的沉没,有些特效看上去简直就是魔法。From light saber battles tothesinking ofthe Titanic, some special effects seem almost magical.

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后来在塔尔法格利奥,他和卢克·天行者的军刀中队一起驾机参战,其通讯代号为“安静”。He later flew with Luke Skywalker's Saber Squadron at Talfaglio with the comm designation Quiet.

从光剑战争到泰坦尼克号的沉没,某些特效看起来几乎是魔法。From light saber battles to the sinking of the Titanic, some special effects seem almost magical.

吾得滑膛火枪及骑兵军刀,伯君得一杆大枪,上有刺刀附之。I received a musket and a saber. Le Poittevin was handed an enormous gun with a bayonet attached.