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两腿交叉坐在地板上。Sit cross legged on the floor.

我盘腿坐在沙上,沉思自己的人生。I sat cross legged in the sand and contemplated my life.

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钢锯蹲腿是在一个较低的身体锻炼冲刺一。A hacksaw squat is a one legged lunge in a lower body workout.

两个孩子盘着腿,面对面地坐在地上。Two children sat facing each other, cross legged on the ground.

生活长河流徜羊,美丽世界芬芳羊。Life river sit cross legged sheep, beautiful world fragrant sheep.

有一天,有个人在乡间小路上开着车,看到一直三条腿的鸡。A man was driving along a rural road one day when he saw a three legged chicken.

本文对四腿机器人足球比赛中机器人的动作控制进行研究和分析。This paper mainly analyzes robot's motion control in RoboCup legged robot soccer competition.

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螳螂起重机的立场是一个单脚站立平衡训练和阻止使用。The Praying Mantis Crane Stance is a one legged stance used for training in balance and blocking.

你不仅可以挣钱还可以锻炼身体,与一些你喜爱的四脚朋友欢度时光。You’ll make some money, get some exercise and spend time with some of your favorite four legged friends.

因此,当一个新的婴儿是引入一个家庭中,它可以是一个富有挑战性的时间,我们敬爱的四足动物。Thus, when a new baby is introduced into a family, it can be a challenging time for our beloved four legged creatures.

可是一只鸡只有两条腿,我就养起这种三条腿的变种鸡,这样大家都爱吃的鸡腿就不怕不够了。Since a chicken only have two legs, I started breeding this three legged variety so we could all eat our favorite piece.

我们的房区是足够接近树林,除了“两个腿”的威胁,我们偶尔有“4条腿”的威胁。Our subdivision is close enough to the trees that we occasionally have 4-legged threats in addition to two legged threats.

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非致冷微测辐射热计设计的难点之一是起热隔离作用的微桥结构的设计,其中桥腿结构的设计又是重点。Static and dynamic optimum design for the layout of slant legged rigid frame bridge is studied by mathematical programming.

研制了仿驼步行足和仿驼足橡胶轮胎,并进行了牵引性能试验。The mechanism of bionic camel legged foot and bionic camel foot tire is developed, and their tractive performance tests are done.

“我简直没法相信!”他叫了起来,“你可是个文明人。怎么能盘起腿,坐在泥巴地上,摇晃起骨头块看起预兆来?”"I can't believe it! " he continued. "You are an educated man. How can you sit cross- legged in the dirt and roll bones and read omens?"

这种多颜色、四条腿的小家伙有着非常迅速而平稳的跑步节奏,与其它蜥蜴的“爆发式”奔跑节奏非常的不同。These multi-colored, four legged chaps have a very fast smooth running style, very different from other lizards' "explosive" running style.

在陆源低盐水中养殖南美白对虾期间,池塘里出现了持续时间较长的优势种中肋骨条藻。Skeleton coastatum, as a dominant microalgae in eutrophication, was found in a white legged shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei pond in brackish water.

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在他们前边,一捆手杖在半空中飘荡,珀西距后面的人仅一步之遥,于是后面的人都纷纷朝他扑倒下去。There was a pop, and a little man with wicked, dark eyes and a wide mouth appeared, floating cross- legged in the air, clutching the walking sticks.

最好的说法是把英特尔描述成一张三脚凳,这三只脚分别代表策划、技术和生产、市场营销。And the best I can say is describing Intel as a three legged stool, and the three legs are design, technology and manufacturing, and marketing and sales.

但是当然像他那麽一个腿很细的人,虽然心中怀恨且拥有黄棕色的须子,他是完全不能把那麽重的重量提到绳子和钩子那样的高度。But naturally being a thin legged person, though vindictive and sandy whiskered . He was quite unable to lift the heavy weight to the level of the hook and rope.