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关于口琴又怎样呢?What about on a harmonica?

我很喜欢口琴草堂。I like Harmonica University.

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他把玉米棒子弄得象口琴一样。He made a harmonica out of the corncob.

接着,他又掌握了口琴和钢琴。He then mastered the harmonica and the piano.

这种基本的口琴是一种全音的乐器。The basic harmonica is a diatonic instrument.

除了半音阶口琴,其余的都可以洗。You can water except the chromatic harmonica.

一并送给我的,还有一支只有七个音孔的小口琴。He gave me a old clockwork frog and a harmonica.

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感觉起来好像是针对我,她的口琴和所有。It felt forced to me, with her harmonica and all.

然后他们请小杨吹口琴。Then they called on Xiao Yang to play the harmonica.

便宜的琴连吹不响的可能都有,自然也会有压不了音的。It is possible to make no sound with a cheap harmonica.

我在第二把位上主要是在1到6孔上演奏。I mainly play cross-harp on holes 1 to 6 on my harmonica.

买了个破口琴几年了,断断续续的瞎吹,就是找不着门道。Have bought a harmonica for some years, I can not play it.

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六年前,柳愉生送了一支口琴给周耀华。Six years ago, Liu Yusheng sent a harmonica to Zhou Yaohua.

在此期间,我开始演奏口琴和吉他。Around this time I started playing the harmonica and guitar.

口琴草堂的口琴教程是针对10孔口琴的。The lessons on this site are for the 10 hole harmonica only.

我是新人,请大家推荐一款入门的十孔口琴,谢谢。I am a beginner, and ask for a harmonica suitable for me. 3Q!

是的,你可以看到有人用口琴吹奏蓝调音乐。Yeah, you know, you get people on the harmonica playing blues.

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建议楼主先看完“草堂”里的教学在提问。Suggest you read the lessons in the Harmonica University first.

哈哈,祝贺啊,我也是刚从24孔的换成10孔的。I just turned to the 10 hole harmonica from the 24 hole tremolo.

欢迎来到口琴草堂,体验吹奏的乐趣。Welcome to Harmonica University and enjoy your harmonica playing.