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没有肩袢。No shoulder pads.

扛他回家来!Shoulder Him Home!

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他的肩膀变得僵硬了。His shoulder stiffens.

单肩带。Single shoulder strap.

他将担负那工作。He'll shoulder the task.

我肩膀酸疼。I have a stiff shoulder.

你们有挂肩提袋吗?。Do you have shoulder bags?

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她的肩膀脱臼了。Her shoulder was dislocated.

他的肩膀疼得要死。His shoulder hurt like hell.

枪朝他的肩部反冲过去。The gun kicked his shoulder.

前方5英里之内没有路肩。No shoulder for next 5 miles.

肩缝和领圈线。Shoulder seams and necklines.

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我的肩部和臀部都受了伤。my shoulder hurt, and my hip.

子弹擦过我的肩膀。The bullet grazed my shoulder.

剑轻轻碰了他的肩。The sword tipped his shoulder.

他的头靠在我的肩上。His head rested on my shoulder.

我的肩膀似乎被撞伤了。It seems I had my shoulder hit.

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柔美的肩上芭蕾、柔术!Soft shoulder ballet, Jiujitsu!

那枝箭刺入他的肩膀。The arrow pierced his shoulder.

可调节的尼龙肩带。Adjustable nylon shoulder strap.