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爬了十层楼,他已上气不接下气了。He was breathless after climbing ten floors.

他听到门口有上气不接下气的喘息声。He heard a breathless voice from his doorway.

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看着他们表演杂技,我们都捏一把汗。We were breathless as we watched the acrobats.

没有一丝风的八月天,热气已经开始袭来。There\'s heat in the breathless August day already.

他们可以说是屏息以待结果。They waited, as it were, breathless for the result.

我喘息着说,因为走得快,又太惊慌,使我上气不接下气。I panted, quite breathless with quick walking and alarm.

大得让人窒息的标题已经在欢呼泡沫的破裂。Breathless headlines have hailed the bursting of a bubble.

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在清澈的夜空下我凝神屏息,微微颤抖。I stand breathless and shivering beneath a clear night sky.

“冲坏了大门——”比利也上气不接下气地说。Have broken through throgh the gate said Billy, also breathless.

从所有卖力的推测中,你所考虑的是可能的。From all the breathless speculation you'd think that was on the cards.

那么,就脸谱网和碎碎念来说,如此扣人心弦的主题所警示的是什么?But what of Facebook and Twitter, the subject of such breathless warnings?

戏台上那些情意绵绵的爱情场面使爱玛为之神往。The tender love scenes Behind the footlights made Emma Breathless with envy.

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匆忙和疲惫使得她上汽不接下气,她只好从新开口说话。Her haste and fatigue had left her so breathless that she had to begin again.

她回应他的呼唤,不一会儿他跑着来到了她的身边,穿着粗气。She replied, and in a moment more he was at her side, breathless with running.

看了,成龙真的搞笑高手,我笑得都快喘不上气儿啦。I have. Jackie Chan is so good at comedy that I almost laughed myself breathless.

仪式则包括乔布斯的主旨讲话和产品推出前扣人心弦的宣传造势。The rituals include Mr. Jobs's keynotes and breathless build-ups to product launches.

一个健康的身体是指一个人可以完成天天的工作而不会感到很倦怠和上不来气。A fit body is one that can perform everyday tasks without getting tired and breathless.

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您必须用劲,直到全身出汗、呼吸加深而又不至于上气不接下气。You need to exercise hard enough until you sweat and breathe deeply without breathless.

野田的这一第二高得票数顿时引来台下的惊叹声。Noda's the second highest number of votes immediately attracted the audience breathless.

一个渔民在喘不过气来的夏天从浑浊的河水里拖上了几网牡蛎。A fisherman drags nets of oysters from the turbid river water on a breathless summer day.