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砂岩的韧性碎屑流动导致了孔隙的破裂。Ductile cataclastic flow of sandstone leads to the collapse of pores.

金矿床属中低温热液构造蚀变岩型金矿。The deposit is a medium-low temperature altered cataclastic rock type Au deposit.

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金矿床主要属碎裂石英脉型,次为蚀变糜棱岩型。The Au deposit is dominantly cataclastic quartz-vein type, secondly altered mylonite type.

后者则包括固结较好的构造角砾岩,碎裂岩和糜棱岩。The latter contains well-consolidated structural breccia, cataclastic and mylonitic rocks.

宏观碎裂结构与微观糜棱状结构是断层构造岩的主要特点。The tectonites are characterized by macroscopic cataclastic and microscopic mylonitic structures.

河南某钼矿属蚀变破碎带——细脉带型钼矿床。The molybdenum ore, is in Heman provinces, is in the altered rock of cataclastic and veinlet belt.

具有紊乱组构的断层岩包括断层角砾岩、断层泥、假玄武玻璃以及碎裂岩。Fault rocks with a random fabric include fault breccia, fault gouge, pseudotachylyte and cataclastic rocks.

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具碎裂结构的翡翠硬度将略有降低,因而也会影响翡翠的质量。The jadeite's quality with cataclastic texture is also poor because its hardness with this texture will decrease.

对碎裂顶板复采工作面布置、设备选型和回采工艺等进行了设计。The repeated mining face layout, equipment selection and extraction technology with cataclastic roof had been designed.

三九地区铀矿化类型主要为花岗岩热液脉型和碎裂蚀变岩型。The main uranium mineralizations in Sanjiu area are hydrothermal vein type and cataclastic altered rock type in granites.

该区具有脆性破裂作用、褶皱作用与塑性变形作用形成的三种类型变形带。There are three types of deformation band, i. e. , cataclastic deformation band, folding deformation band, and ductile deformation band.

晚期形成碎裂石英脉型金矿、属韧-脆性和脆性成矿期。The later stage of mineralization is of ductile-brittle shearing and brittle shearing, which formed cataclastic quartz-vein type Au deposit.

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本文对粤北大沟谷碎裂钠长石岩型富金矿床的地质特征进行了初步总结。This is a preliminary summation of the geological features of the cataclastic albitite type gold deposit in Dagougu area, northern Guangdong Province.

矿床明显受刺穿体和构造的控制,矿体赋存于绿汁江组凤山段白云岩中。The deposit is evidently controlled by diapir and structure, and ore bodys are located in cataclastic dolomite of Lüzhijiang Formation Fengshan member.

反映了地质体由深部构造层次到上部构造层次,由韧性变形环境到脆性变形环境的总体演化过程。These observed characteristics represent geologic body evolution from lower to shallow tectonic-level, and from plastic to cataclastic flow deformation in diwa.

矽卡岩型和石英脉型金矿赋存于二叠系中,破碎蚀变岩型金矿赋存于三叠系中。The skarn-type and quartz veins gold deposits occur in the Permian strata, while the altered cataclastic breccias type gold deposits are present in the Triassic strata.

长城式金矿是近几年在冀东地区发现的一种新的金矿床类型,该类型金矿产在中元古界碳酸盐岩及碎屑岩地层中。Changcheng style Au deposit is a newt ype discovered in recent years in Jidong area, China. The Au deposits occur in Middle Proterozoic carbonate rocks and cataclastic rocks.

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实验岩石学的研究表明,岩石中熔体的出现.可诱发断层作用,加强碎裂流动、位错蠕变和扩散蠕变作用。On the basis of experimental petrology, it is sugg6sted that magma or melt in rocks could induce faulting and enhance cataclastic flow, dislocation creep and diffusion creep.

其中强铜矿化硅化白云质碎裂岩相带、铜矿化硅化碎裂白云岩相带是矿体的主要赋存部位。The main ore-bodies occur in the strong copper mineralizational gray silicified dolomitic cataclastic rock facie zone and copper mineralizational cataclastic dolomite facie zone.

其主要由一套碎裂安山凝灰岩、蚀变火山岩、轻微蚀变碎裂不等粒砂岩、坍塌角砾岩、含粉砂碎裂凝灰质泥岩等组成。This area consists of cataclastic andesitic tuff, altered volcanic rock, slightly altered and cataclastic anisomerous sandstone, slump breccia, and silt bearing cataclastic tuffaceous shale.