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好吧,我们去问问多莉·温思罗普的意见。Yes, we'll ask Dolly Winthrop for her opinion.

我刚把幻灯片放在温思罗普办公室了。I've just dropped those slides off at the Winthrop office.

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温斯洛普媒体公司的雇员们又浪费了一天,发牢骚他们是如何被低估了。The employees of Winthrop Media waste another day bitching about how they're undervalued.

他想复查一下今年的奖金,需要跟温斯罗普先生和蒙格玛利女士会谈。He wants to go over the bonuses for this year. He'll need to meet with Mr. Winthrop and Ms. Montgomery.

是的,先生。我刚刚把温思罗普办公室的幻灯片降下来了。我出去的时候你还需要其他的什么吗?Yes, sir. I've just dropped those slides off at the Winthrop office. Do you need anything else while I'm out?

他想复查一下今年的奖金,需要跟温斯罗普先生和蒙格玛利女士会谈。你能帮我定个时间吗?He wants to go over the bonuses for this year. He'll need to meet with Mr. Winthrop and Ms. Montgomery. Can you set it up for me?

因为,昨天夜里,我们那位善心的温斯洛普总督成了天使,所以不用说,上天要显显象才是呢!For, as our good Governor Winthrop was made an angel this past night, it was doubtless held fit that there should be some notice thereof!

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温思罗普的那块庄地足有二百五十英亩,再加上汤顿附近的那个农场,那可是乡下的上好宝地。The estate at Winthrop is not less than two hundred and fifty acres, besides the farm near Taunton, which is some of the best land in the country.

虽然还没有人挺身而出,据报道温斯洛普媒体公司的管理层也意识到其雇员不愿工作,并准备采取行动。While no one has come forward as of yet, management at Winthrop Media is reportedly aware of its employees' reticence to work and prepared to take action.

该Dickinsons已经到了美国的约翰温思罗普在1630年和已经解决所有的康涅狄格河流域的时间狄金森出生二百年后。The Dickinsons had come to America with John Winthrop in 1630 and had settled all over the Connecticut River Valley by the time Emily Dickinson was born two hundred years later.