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人类靠食物生活。Mankind exists on food.

我要奴役全人类!I will enslave all mankind.

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马对人类有用。A horse is useful to mankind.

或许只是人类最渺小的一个。Minutest of mankind might be.

那是人类的赋性。That is the nature of mankind.

是人类最大的诱惑者。Is the great tempter of mankind.

爱鸟护鸟是人类的美德。The bird is a virtue of mankind.

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全人类的命运就掌握在他们手上。The fate of mankind rests on it.

一个人类的新时代正在出现。A new age for mankind is dawning.

我们代表全人类为和平目的而来。We came in peace for all mankind.

人人都是大陆之土。Because eI am involved in mankind.

撒旦去了地球,毁了人类。Goes to Earth and corrupts mankind.

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从今往后,我要爱所有的人。Henceforth will I love all mankind.

人类有一天也会面临被事在人为的命运。Mankind may one day meet this fate.

对人类的爱于我是致命的。Love of mankind would be fatal to me.

撒旦是人类最大的诱惑者。Satan is the great tempter of mankind.

然后把仁慈的大门关向人类。And shut the gates of mercy on mankind.

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人类究竟被施了怎样的咒语,被什么邪灵附身?And what kind of spell is mankind under?

是人类末日的钟声在滴答作响吗?Is the clock of doom ticking for mankind?

是严重威胁人类健康和生命的常见病、多发病。It affects the life and health of mankind.