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你认为你可以做得来吗?Do you think that you can doit?

当你调用C.DoIt会发生什么呢?What happens when you call C.DoIt?

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刘霈,你愿意做孩子的爹吗?Liu Pei, your child's father is willing to doit?

如果我知道如何拍出好照片,我每次都会拍出好照片了。If I knew how to take a good photograph, I'd doit every time.

我还是打印不好这些图表。你知道怎么做吗?I still can't get these charts to print properly. Do you know how to doit?

我作此决定的一个原因就是太多人建议我不要来到这里。One reason for my decision was that all too many people advised me not to doit.

女人说那个小狗式缺少“亲密感”。In the surveys, women say that they feel "less intimate" when they doit doggy style.

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在音乐大厅聆听乐团演奏莫扎特交响曲时,你可能会被震撼到窒息。Witnessing an orchestra play a Mozart symphony in a grand concert hall might doit as well.

如果印度政府提供合同,他们也会在印度建设小型智能城市。IfIndian government offers contracts to build smart Indian cities they would doit in India.

但是,所有的小青蛙们都想知道他是如何办到的?THEN all of the other tiny frogsnaturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to doit?

如果只剩下削铅笔的事可做了,那么他们绝对是雷打不动!If all the procrastinator had left to do was to sharpen some pencils, no force on earth could get him doit.

然后在用户界面中建立一种操作方式,例如按钮、热点或菜单右击。Last, you have a doit type gesture in the user interface, for example, a button, a hot spot, or a right menu click.

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“这里什么也没留下,”墨利说,一边还在骨头架子旁搜寻。“既没有一个铜板也不见烟盒。There aint a thing left here, ' said Merry, still feeling round among the bones, not a copper doit nor a baccy box.

“这里什么也没留下,”墨利说,一边还在骨头架子旁搜寻。“既没有一个铜板也不见烟盒。There aint a thing left here, ' said Merry, still feeling round among the bones, 'not a copper doit nor a baccy box.