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几个世纪以来,侦探必须主要依赖其鉴赏力。For centuries art detectives had to rely mainly on connoisseurship.

从这个意义上讲,比罗的鉴定方法远没有传统的鉴定方法民主。In that sense, Biro’s authentications were far less democratic than traditional connoisseurship.

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美学鉴赏课是高校审美教育的一个重要组成部分。Esthetics Connoisseurship course is one important part of esthetic judgement education in university.

我店的每件作品都是独一无二的,甚有收藏价值,希望社会各界有识之士光临鉴赏。My shop's each work is unique, has the collection value really, the hope community man of insight presence connoisseurship.

因此也就要求人们在进行文学鉴赏的过程中,要以开放性的眼光来审视文本。Therefore careful examination of the text with open judgment is necessary when the literature connoisseurship is carried out.

自1981年以来,提供的材料有从根本上改变了看法,藏族艺术,并已提出一个问题,鉴赏。Since 1981 the availability of material has radically altered perceptions of Tibetan art and has raised the issue of connoisseurship.

我也真诚希望这本图录能促进广大玉器爱好者的研究和收藏的兴趣,这将是我最大的福气!If the present exhibition and its catalogue could contribute in some small measure to Chinese jade connoisseurship , it would be a great blessing.

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高校学生综合素质能力体现之一就是学生的艺术鉴赏力和创造力。The students' connoisseurship and creative ability to art one of the reflections of themselves comprehensive quality in colleges and universities.

最后,提出了由两首艺术歌曲所引发的对当代艺术歌曲创作上的、演唱上的、鉴赏上的若干建议。Finally, this article points out some suggestion of the contemporary artistic song creating, singing and the connoisseurship by two artistic songs. Mr.

乾嘉以后,随着碑碣出土日多,金石考据之学在学术界空前昌盛,这为书家创作另辟蹊径带来了前景。From the reign of Jiaqing more and more stone steles were unearthed and this period marked the unprecedented study and connoisseurship of bronzes and steles.

董氏鉴赏首先是区别于单纯行业鉴别性质的文人鉴赏,并且是具备了心学和禅宗思想的文人鉴赏。The connoisseurship of Dong is scholar connoisseurship that is different from business connoisseurship and , it has some ideas of Yangming school and Buddhist.

文章着重指出,这一时期苏州地区兴盛的鉴藏风气,对吴门派书画家的创作产生了积极的影响。The article points out how Suzhou's once thriving community of connoisseurship and collection has had a constructive influence on Wumen calligraphy and painting.

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经过张彦远改造过的“六法”开始由六种绘画方法论向品评鉴赏论转化。Transforms "the six legal codes" after Zhang Yan to start far by six kind of drawing methodologies to discuss the transformation to the appraisal connoisseurship.

他的鉴赏能力十分高深,他所举的例子常常让人惊叹,他对于名作如何获得其影响力的分析十分尖锐且让人信服。His connoisseurship is broad and deep, his examples are often breathtaking, and his analyses of how the masterpieces achieve their effects are acute and compelling.

配之大量珍贵的老广告图片,雅俗共赏,具有极高的收藏价值和鉴赏价值。Matches the massive precious old advertisements picture, appeals to both cultured and popular tastes, has the extremely high collection value and the connoisseurship value.

最后,我们还是应该肯定莫雷利或贝伦森式的鉴定方法是有价值与启发性的,这种方法在我们今天的艺术鉴定领域仍是占有一席之地的。Finally, we should affirm that Morelli or Berenson's connoisseurship method is valuable and inspiring, which will definitely take a place in our modern art connoisseurship research field.

诗歌教学是高中语文教学的重要内容,在教学中培养学生的诗歌鉴赏能力是广大语文教师的一项重要任务。The teaching of poem is the important content of Chinese teaching of high school, the poem connoisseurship of training students in teaching is an important task of vast Chinese teacher's.

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体育舞蹈是集娱乐、休闲、社交、健身、艺术于一体,具有丰富知识,培养礼仪、气质、鉴赏等功能。Sports Dance integrates the gymnastics, art , society and amusement into one entirety , it can enrich dancer's knowledge and cultivate dancer's etiquette, personality, connoisseurship etc.

这种形式的性别联系和它的优美格式鉴赏标准导致了“词”这种体式相对于“诗”的特殊性的理论化。Both the gender associations of the form and the connoisseurship of its stylistic refinements led to much theorizing on the distinctiveness of tz'u relative to its competing verse form, shih.

古典诗歌的教学目的是传承文化遗产、培养学生的文学趣味、提高学生的诗歌鉴赏能力。The aim of teaching classical poems at college is to inherit and bequeath the cultural heritage, to foster students' taste and interest in literature, to develop students' poetic connoisseurship.