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安康是一辈子的任务。Ankang is a lifelong task.

幸福是终身的追求。Happiness is lifelong pursuit.

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什麽是终生学习者?III. What is a lifelong learner?

若能成终身的伴侣。Can become my lifelong companion.

你是我身边一束束灿烂。A lifelong effulgence you are by my side.

对您来说,这是一生的旅途。This has been a lifelong journey for you.

一念之差,终身悔恨。One wrong think may cause a lifelong regret.

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我已经把它当成是一辈子的事业。Already, I envisioned it as a lifelong career.

一念之差可能造成终身悔恨。One wrong thought may cause a lifelong regret.

任何真正的技术都要花费一辈子才能练成。Any mastery of a true skill takes a lifelong time.

完善终生教育体系。The system of lifelong education needs perfecting.

糖尿病的确令人非常沮丧,它是一种终身疾病。It's a real downer. Diabetes is a lifelong illness.

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寻求终身教育至关重要。Quest for lifelong education is primary importance.

结节性硬化是一种常见的终身性疾病,需要长期随访。Is getting a waist to take off lifelong sex disease?

于是,老杜对中国长达一生的关心和热爱开始萌芽。And so began his lifelong interest and love of China.

我们希望星吧阁的学员们成为一生的读者。We want Starbugs students to become lifelong readers.

企业中的培训是个终生教育的过程。Education within the enterprise is a lifelong process.

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这是一项能获得终生好处的一次性程序。It is a one-time intervention with a lifelong benefit.

追寻终身教育是相当重要的。Quest for lifelong education is of primary importance.

工程学作为终生的事业。He chose genetic engineering to be his lifelong career.