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休伦湖作为一条水路。Lake Huron as a waterway.

日落在休伦河。Sunset over the Huron River.

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我父亲在休伦湖度周末。My father is weekending at Lake Huron.

鹰眼真是天生的休伦人!Hawkeye should have been born a huron !

圣克莱尔河在美加边境注入休伦湖。The St. Clair River empties Lake Huron on the U. S. -Canada border.

运行开始,在吉尔伯特的哈雷,3350拉皮尔路,休伦港乡。The run starts at Gilbert's Harley-Davidson, 3350 Lapeer Road, Port Huron Township.

著名湖泊有大熊湖、大奴湖和休伦湖、安大略湖等。There are well-known lake Bear Lake, Slave Lake and Lake Huron , Lake Ontario, and so on.

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在休伦湖钓完鱼后,我的一个朋友开车拖着他的船回家。A guy I know was towing his boat home from a fishing trip to Lake Huron when his car broke down.

这是幢位于加拿大霍顿湖上一个小岛的房子,要想到达的与众不同度假屋,你只能乘船.Located near a small island on Lake Huron in Canada, this unusual vacation house is accessible only byboat.

获准在休伦港与底特律之间的火车上卖报。With remarkable enterprise he obtained permission to sell newspapers on the railway train between Port Huron and Detroit.

检方指控这对夫妻将孩子锁在笼中以便管教,而且要休伦郡负起长期监护之责。Prosecutors accuse the couple of locking the children in cages to discipline them, and they want Huron County to take permanent custody.

“音乐将会成为解释快感、嗜瘾和适应不良行为各个方面的利器,”Huron说道。"Music is going to be a useful tool in trying to explain all sorts of aspects of pleasure, addiction and maladaptive behaviors," Huron said.

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说明某些事件的小说中,如大屠杀的英国士兵休伦印度人,美化帐目真实的历史事件。Descriptions of certain incidents in the novel, such as the massacre of the English soldiers by Huron Indians, embellish accounts of real historical events.

最出乎意料的是妻子告诉我父亲坐在车里,正准备从他在休伦湖的家开到世贸中心去找我。Perhaps my biggest surprise was that my wife told me that my father had the car parked, was prepared to drive from his home on Lake Huron to Ground Zero to find me.

对于所采用的开创性技术,Huron认为,这项研究还为探讨多巴胺与冲动、奖励、快感的关系提供了新的方法。In its groundbreaking combination of techniques, Huron said, the study also offers a new way to study the relationship between dopamine and feelings of motivation, reward and pleasure.

上周日人们在美国境内的圣克莱尔河上享受着一年一度的休伦港漂流活动,他们坐在橡皮艇、木筏以及汽车内胎上玩着漂流,突然一阵疾风将他们吹散。Folks were enjoying the annual Port Huron Float Down on the American side of the St. Clair River on Sunday, with people in dinghies, rafts and inner tubes when ill wind made them drift.

吉尔伯特的哈雷的休伦港和休伦港哈利车主会戴维森主办这项活动,筹集资金和收集的圣克莱尔县救世军圣诞节节目玩具。Gilbert's Harley-Davidson of Port Huron and the Port Huron Harley Owners Group is hosting the event to raise money and collect toys for the St. Clair County Salvation Army's Christmas program.