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他的侄子是一个粗野的年轻人。His nephew is an uncouth young man.

那里脏兮兮的,文化又粗俗。It's dirty and has an uncouth culture.

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他依旧郁郁寡欢,并且有点粗野。He remained heavy and somewhat uncouth.

开头并没有一个粗鄙的年轻人。There wasn't an uncouth swain at the beginning.

马尔斯呆板,粗俗,完全是个普通人He's dull. He's uncouth and he's extremely human.

是这个刚刚沉入海湾的太阳还是那个粗鄙的年轻人?The sun that was just dropped into the west or the uncouth swain?

这是第一次,“粗鄙的青年人吟唱着This is the first moment, right now, "thus sang the uncouth swain."

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这是第一次,“粗鄙的青年人吟唱着“This is the first moment, right now, "thus sang the uncouth swain."

正考父采取这样的态度,那麽百姓又有谁敢粗鲁而傲慢呢?。As Zhengkaofu with this attitude, how could the people be uncouth and arrogant?

因为褪去了年少无知和天真烂漫,他就不再是孩子了。Because he got rid of his ignorant and uncouth sweetness, he is no longer a boy.

我们对此并不了解,这首诗是由一个粗鄙的年轻人,一个村夫牧羊人叙述的。We didn't know this. It has been spoken by the uncouth swain, a rustic shepherd.

这些名词共有的一个中心意思是。粗野和没有教养的人。The central meaning shared by these nouns is . an uncouth and uncultivated person.

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我们发现你的部下卡特·派克不仅粗鲁讨厌,动不动就吵架,而且还是个吝啬鬼。We found your Cotter Pyke to be an uncouth and unpleasant man, quarrelsome and niggardly.

肯纳最初为这个粗鲁的恶棍制作活动人偶时,仅称之为“海象人”。" When Kenner first made an action figure of the uncouth thug, they simply called him "Walrus Man.

粗暴无礼的孔是外环领土鲁恩星球唐吞省的总督。The uncouth and brutish Koong was the governor of Tawntoom province on the Outer Rim world of Roon.

但直到最近市场出现动荡之前,此类担忧被认为是不明智的,往坏里说就是愚蠢的。Well, until the recent market tumult seemed to render such concerns uncouth at best and asinine at worst.

她头上的雷声在怒号,粗俗的火葬场守卫者就在她面前,正向她要酬金。Above her the thunder roared, and before her the uncouth guardian of the cremation ground demanded his fee.

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你们所说的就是这样一个上帝――一个乡巴佬,一个笨手笨脚、呆头呆脑、自高自大、毫无修养的土包子。That's the kind of God you people talk about Da country bumpkin, a clumsy, brainless, conceited, uncouth hayseed.

他被人称为“自大狂”。尽管手段野蛮残忍,但他其实自诩为“师奶杀手”。He was nicknamed the Arrogant One, and despite his cruel and uncouth ways, actually fancied himself as a lady's man.

然后他可以告诉我们这个年轻吟唱的哀悼诗,然后说,“粗鄙的青年人吟唱着“Then he could tell us the mournful lay that the uncouth swain sang, and then he could say, "Thus sang the uncouth swain."