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Titor提到了两场不同的战争。Titor referenced two different wars.

一个步骤是加载所有引用的模式。One is to load all referenced schemas.

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您可以检视本机型别及参考型别。You can view local and referenced types.

每一章后面都附有极为详尽的参考资料。Each chapter is referenced in minute detail.

集合查询计划中引用的所有表。Collect all tables referenced in the query plan.

她将该表勾选为引用表。She leaves this table checked as a Referenced table.

所有的都是以地球的,距离作为参考的。Everything is referenced to the distance of the Earth.

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文章对插齿刀CAD有借鉴意义。The article can be referenced to CAD of slotting cutter.

这个铁箱子显然就是石碑上所提及的圣物箱…This is apparently the reliquary referenced by the stele.

集合将在它们被引用的第一时间创建。Collections are created the first time they're referenced.

每个引用表中使用了哪些种类谓词?What kinds of predicates are used on each referenced table?

两个或多个子项内引用的不同列组Different sets of columns referenced in two or more subterms

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所以这些都是参考一巴而言的,都是相对于一巴的。And everything is referenced to one bar, everything's in bar.

数据帧包含控制帧所引用的数据。The data frame contains data referenced by the control frame.

意思是代表一个不存在的变量被引用的错误。Represents an error when a non-existent variable is referenced.

使用了哪些种类谓词来连接引用表?What kinds of predicates are used to join the referenced tables?

您将看到代码的后半部分将引用这些对象中的每个对象。You will see each of these objects referenced later in the code.

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此方法具有实用价值,可供测量者参考。This means has practical value. It may be referenced by measurer.

搜索所引用的模块,并将其复制到临时目录。Search referenced modules and copy them to the temporary directory.

所以他假设,将以用F作为一个标准,来估算其他元素的电负性。So, he assumed, he referenced or normalized everything to fluorine.