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落下她紫色的褶边。drops her purple hem.

把你的衬衣镶上花边。Hem your shirt with lace.

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在下摆的弹性拉绳。Elastic drawstring at hem.

松紧下摆和袖口。Elasticized hem and cuffs.

罗纹袖口,甚至缝下摆。Ribbed cuffs, even-sewn hem.

可调节的束带的下摆。Adjustable drawstring at hem.

将袴的底边折边缝合。Hem the bottom of the hakama.

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齿痕,下摆是浓情蜜意女性化。Scalloped hem is sweetly feminine.

她裙子上的褶边需要缝一缝。The hem on her skirt needs sewing.

拖放与尾部拆方接缝下摆。Drop tail hem with split side seams.

舀缝制的领口,袖孔和下摆。Sewn scoop neckline, armholes and hem.

裁缝把她的裙子放长。The tailor dropped the hem of her skirt.

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哼哼是否已经决定放开已经失去的过去并开始行动?Had Hem ever decided to let go and move on?

三针缝合,下摆和袖口。Triple-needle stitching at hem and sleeves.

措施,从领口边“论在前面。Measures 42" from neckline to hem at front."

他的新大衣的下摆起皱了。The lower hem of his new overcoat rucked up.

撞色布泡泡袖及有褶饰边裙脚。Contrast color puffy sleeves and frilled hem.

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他偷偷地拿掉了粘在我衣摆上的口香糖。He covertly removed the chewing gum from my hem.

怎么给裤子锁边、缝扣子、补袜子。How to hem pants, sew on buttons and mend socks.

把裤缘褶边向外拉出,以防止尿液外漏。Pull out Edge hem pants to prevent urine leakage.