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怎么弄?喝酒吗?How?By drinking?

我戒了酒。I quit drinking.

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不停喝水。Non-stop drinking.

在酒吧里喝酒呢。Drinking at the bar.

喝过我的汤。And drinking my soup.

我试过喝咖啡。I tried drinking coffee.

从我的杯子里喝过水。And drinking from my cup.

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喝酒为什么要碰杯?Why clink while drinking?

她指责他饮酒。She denounced his drinking.

他们都在喝什么?What are they all drinking?

塞鲁船长喝了一口水。Captain Seru began drinking.

他已喝得糊里糊涂了。He's been hazed by drinking.

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王在在镐、岂乐饮酒。Drinking , happy and at ease.

他又开始喝酒了。He reverts to drinking again.

他们花费绝大部分时间凑在一起喝酒。They slathered time drinking.

饮酒是他的死因。Drinking was the death of him.

他嗜酒的同伴。His boozy drinking companions.

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他们是酒友。They were drinking companions.

它们就像“酒友”。They're like drinking buddies.

想快点拥有冷饮用水?Want cold drinking water fast?