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接受绝地武士的训练。Jedi training.

在职培训。On the job training.

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赛艇需要大量的训练。It's a lot of training.

团体私教训练。Group Personal Training.

但我们需要培训的。But we need the training.

我喜欢历奇训练。I like adventure training.

你是如何训练的呢?How have you been training?

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我开始每天都锻炼。I began training every day.

他们正在练兵。They are training soldiers.

进行在岗培训。Conduct the on-job training.

急救训练是极为简单的。First-aid training is simple.

我并不反对职业培训。I'm not against job training.

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培训评估团队。Training the assessment team.

我们如何接受灵气训练?How to receive Reiki training.

为短宣训练的准备祷告。Pray for our mission training.

我的训练领域很宽泛。My training is very, very wide.

雷德曼在训练中折断了一根脚趾。Redman broke a toe in training.

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志愿人员在受训。The volunteers are in training.

网络销售训练营地过5关A 5-Step Sales Training Workshop

他正在为一次职业拳赛进行训练。He is training for a prizefight.