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IVU诊断12例上肾积水,9例明确为重肾双输尿管畸形。IVU diagnosis 12 cases have hydronephrosis and 9 cases have renal duplication.

结果所有病例均清晰显示梗阻部位及尿路积水情况。The site of upper urinary tract obstruction and hydronephrosis could be clearly shown.

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目的探讨胎儿肾盂扩张积水的超声诊断和预后。Objective To investigate the ultrasound diagnosis and prognosis of fetal hydronephrosis.

肠系膜DT可导致肠梗阻、肠缺血、肾盂积水和瘘管。Mesenteric DT can cause obstruction and ischemia of intestine, hydronephrosis and fistula.

目的评价肾折叠和肾固定术在治疗巨大肾积水患者中的作用。Objective To evaluate renal plication and nephropexy in the treatment of giant hydronephrosis.

改变摄影条件CR在肾积水的经脉肾盂造影,使肾盂显示的更清楚。The change in conditions CR hydronephrosis Meridian pyelography and pelvis revealed more clearly.

结论凋亡可能参与了先天性肾积水肾脏的损伤。Conclusion Apoptosis might participate in damaging kidneys in children with congenital hydronephrosis.

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作者指出,巨大肾积水系指其容积而言,并非说明其肾脏功能完全丧失。Giant hydronephrosis actually means the volume of the kidney and does not mean lossing of its function.

除术后第3天流产的胎羊外,其余胎羊及羔羊均有左肾积水形成。Left hydronephrosis developed in all fetal lambs except the one aborted on the 3rd day postoperatively.

目的探讨儿童马蹄肾合并肾积水的临床特点及诊治方法。Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of horseshoe kidney with hydronephrosis in children.

目的调查5067例3岁以下婴幼儿先天性肾盂积水的患病率。Objective To investigate the prevalence rate of congenital hydronephrosis in 5067 nurseling under 3 years.

影像学的检查发现左侧输尿管阻塞并肾脏水肿,疑似为肿瘤包覆所引起。Left ureteral obstruction with suspicious tumor encasement and hydronephrosis was found on imaging studies.

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分析E2F-1表达与梗阻性肾积水和肾纤维化程度之间关系。The relationships between expression of E2F-1 and degree of hydronephrosis and renal fibrosis were evaluated.

建立胎羊单侧输尿管梗阻性肾积水的动物模型,并探讨其宫内手术的方法。To establish the animal model of unilateral ureteral obstructive hydronephrosis by intrauterine surgery in fetal lamb.

经B型超声波或静脉尿路造影检查发现肾积水或肾不显影时,应考虑到输尿管癌的可能。Ureteral carcinoma should be considered when B mode ultrasound and venous urography show hydronephrosis and no development.

超声检查可见肾盂积水和梗阻部位以上输尿管扩张,可以明确梗阻的部位和原因。Ultrasonography shows hydronephrosis and ureterectasis above obstruction, and can identify the sites and causes of obstruction.

阻塞导致的郁积易于引起感染,同时阻塞还能引起双侧的输尿管积水和肾盂积水。The stasis from obstruction predisposes to infection. The obstruction can also lead to bilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis.

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许多患肾盂积水的胎儿都在出生之前死亡,因为胎儿膀胱尿潴留,严重损害胎儿的肾脏。Many babies with hydronephrosis die before birth, because the diseased bladder retains urine that can severely damage the kidneys.

静脉肾盂摄影发现左侧肾盂输尿管结合处阻塞并肾水肿。He also had short stature. Intravenous pyelography showed hydronephrosis without filling defects at the left ureteropelvic junction.

肾积水是泌尿系统常见的疾病之一,泌尿系统任何部位的梗阻均可引起肾盂排空障碍,最终导致肾积水。Obstruction of any part of urologic system will cause the difficulty of drainage of renal pelvis and finally lead to hydronephrosis.