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热者寒之。Heat cold it.

击败热火队?Beat the Heat?

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把汤热一下。Heat up the soup.

我讨厌这种热天气。I hate this heat.

热使铁变软。Heat softens iron.

禁止用干热的东西。Never use dry heat.

水银遇热则膨胀。Heat expands metals.

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热将使铁熔化。Heat will melt iron.

冰见热就化。Ice melts with heat.

腊遇热即软化。Wax softens in heat.

火产生热。A fire generates heat.

一个发情检测工具。A heat detection tool.

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高温使铁熔化。Great heat melts iron.

热使塑料变形。Heat deforms plastics.

将牛奶微热。Heat milk to lukewarm.

蒸发器热损失少。The heat loss is less.

太阳放射出热量。The sun radiates heat.

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热天气是无法忍受的。The heat is unbearable.

金属遇热就要膨胀。Metals expand with heat.

奶油加热便溶解。Butter liquefies in heat.