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伤口在流脓。The wound was oozing pus.

朦脓中做了很多自娱自乐的傻事。Dim pus did a lot of enjoyment.

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伤口仍在流脓。The wound is still discharging pus.

于是他刺破双腿,流出脓水和血污。He stabbed them to drain the pus and blood.

甚者可发生脓毒败血症。May have the pus poisonous septicaemia really.

医生把皮下脓肿切开让脓流出。The doctor lanced the boil to let the pus out.

伤口未真正痊愈,还在流脓。The wound had not healed properly and was oozing pus.

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带清水样内含物的疱,不含血或脓。A blister having watery contents without blood or pus.

麦粒肿裂开,脓汁流出到眼睛里。The stye opens, draining discharge or pus into the eye.

如果聚众学习疯狂英语,流脓也难以阻挡!Nothing Can Stop Pus If We learn Crazy English Together!

这样就形成了一个含有脓液腔。In this way a cavity is produced which contains fluid pus.

当脓液离开时,灵魂就更容易锚定到形体中。As the pus leaves, soul more readily anchors into the form.

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由于这种液体不断增多压迫耳鼓,产生疼痛。As the pus builds up it pushes on the eardrum, causing pain.

寻常型、关节病型、脓庖型、红皮病型。Psoriatic arthritis unusual points pus this type erythrodermic.

银屑病分寻常型、关节病型、脓庖型、红皮病型。Psoriatic arthritis, unusual points, pus this type, erythrodermic.

有时挤破它会有血或许脓液什么的?Sometimes there will be blood, it may squeeze pus break something?

尿中出现脓细胞,有尿频、尿痛症状。There is pus in urine, frequency of urination and odynuriasymptoms.

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积脓体内积有脓液,尤指在胸膜腔内。The presence of pus in a body cavity, especially the pleural cavity.

耳痛呈持续性和跳动性,常有大量淡黄色脓液流出。Otalgia is persistent and beating, often have large pale yellow pus out.

心包积液也能由感染引起,所积液体为脓液,但很罕见。Rarely pericardial effusion can be caused by infection and consist of pus.