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目的研究猫爪草的化学成分。OBJECTIVE To study the chemical constituents of Ranunculus tematus Thunb.

普通认为,前者的花瓣与毛茛属植物花萼同源。The former are considered to be homologous with the sepals of Ranunculus.

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本文明确了棉毛茛的发表日期应为1834年。The paper clarified that date of establishment of Ranunculus membranaceus Royle is 1834.

迄今为止,国内外鲜见对其化学成分和药理作用的研究报道。So far there is rare report on chemical and pharmacological study on Ranunculus japonicus in and abroad.

北美和欧洲的一种沼泽植物,具有明亮的、类似于毛茛属植物的黄色花朵。Any of numerous plants of the genus Ranunculus that have palmately cleft or divided leaves, such as the buttercups.

北美和欧洲的一种沼泽植物,具有明亮的、类似于毛茛属植物的黄色花朵。Any of numerous plants of the genus Ranunculus that have palmately cleft or divided leaves, such as the buttercups.

内蒙古毛莨属的植物区系与我国东北和蒙古的毛莨属植物区系有着密切的联系。The flora of the plants of Ranunculus genus in Nei Mongol is closely related to that of Northeast in our country and Mongolia.

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目的研究中药材猫爪草有机酸部位的药理作用及化学组成。OBJECTIVE To investigate into the pharmacological effect and chemical composition of the organic acid of Radix Ranunculus Ternati.

结果与结论猫爪草等中草药具有明显的抗结核分支杆菌的作用。Results and Conclusion Chinese medicines such as radix ranunculus ternate have obvious effects of anti-mycobacterium tuberculosis.

本论文由三部分组成,序言介绍了毛茛的化学和药理研究概况。This thesis is composed of three parts. Preface includes the review of chemical constituent and pharmacology of Ranunculus japonicus.

运用ICP-AES法对河南、新疆产猫爪草中常量及微量元素进行了测定。The determination of twenty one kinds of constant and trace elements in Chinese herb Ranunculus ternatus thunb was performed by ICP-AES.

阿蜂鸟在树枝上休息,因为它看起来出了大约50个巨型花毛茛特科洛特英亩在卡尔斯巴德花卉场,加州2010年3月10日。A hummingbird rests on a tree branch as it looks out over some 50 acres of giant tecolote ranunculus flowers at the Flower Fields in Carlsbad, California March 10, 2010.

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以花毛茛的叶片为外置体,通过不同的处理方法,对花毛茛的组织培养进行了初步探索。Through different treatment method, taking leaves as explant, we have carried out a study on the initial induced culture and tissue differentiation of Ranunculus asiaticus.

本文就猫爪草及同属一些民间草药,在植物形态、化学成分、药理作用等研究方面进行了综述。This review discussed the advances of research on Radix Ranunculi Ternati and Ranunculus herbs in the plant modality, chemical constituents, pharmacological activity and so on.