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谢尔德说这次首航对他和队友们来说是轻车熟路。Scherdel said the first flight was a familiarization flight for he and the team.

由于熟悉好几种操作系统,他成了这个职位的最佳候选人。His familiarization with several operating system make him the best candidate for this position.

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因为一个仪表出了故障,这次飞行对我来说多少显得更为熟悉。Because of an instrumentation failure, the flight was more or less a familiarization flight for me.

监造新枪厂的机器生产并熟悉机器操作程序。The trip was to inspect and get familiarization with the machinery being produced by Pratt &Whitney.

参与产品设计会议以熟悉工程项目的需要和目标。Participates in product design meetings for familiarization with project requirements and objectives.

掌握青年学生心理特点对思想教育成效影响很大。The familiarization with psychological features of young students may impose great impact on mind education effect.

定期进行设备的培训,将提高其使用与安装的效率与熟悉程度。Use and training of equipment on a regular basis will improve efficiency and familiarization with usage and set-up.

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由于时间紧迫,武器的调零和最初的熟悉训练都是在海上进行的。With no time to spare, zeroing of the weapons and initial familiarization firing would have to be conducted at sea.

包括以前在公司内外的工作经验以及工作培训和熟练程度。This includes previous experience in other jobs both within outside the Company and on the job training and familiarization.

现在,这是一种定制类型,经验丰富的用户花了几个小时熟悉程序之后希望能这么做。Now, this is the kind of customizing that an experienced user wants to do after long hours of familiarization with an application.

此外,观看棒球、橄榄球、篮球比赛或奥运会项目的电视转播,亦可增加美国体育比赛知识。And familiarization with American games can also be enhanced by watching television broadcasts of baseball, football, and basketball games, or Olympic events.

跟著所有参加赛道体验的车手都由BG导师带领骑著小绵羊踏板车绕赛场一圈,以近距离观察及熟悉赛道,瞭解如何应付那些较为棘手的弯道。Then all riders were taken to a Track familiarization lap on BG's scooters so all riders can study some of the trickiest corners of the SIC Circuits at close quarters.

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社会学理论总是试图清晰地描述并解释社会行动及由此产生的复杂的生活世界,在熟知的基础上达到真知。Sociology theory always try to clearly describe and interpret both the society action and the complex life world coming from it, and grasp the truth on the base of familiarization.