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魔法师非常神秘。The enchanter is very mysterious.

犹如巫师吓得鬼魅纷纷溃离。Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing.

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他经常给孩子们讲魔法师的故事。He always tells the children the stories of the enchanter.

孩子们被魔法师的故事吸引住了。The children were attracted by the stories of the enchanter.

幻术师是否可以给物品添加魔法属性?Is an enchanter necessary to give magic properties to an item?

两天以前,我从一个魔法师那儿得到了一件神奇的雨衣。Two days ago, I was got a supernatural raincoat from an enchanter.

关于他到底是一个卓越的文体家还是一个玩弄技巧的魔术师的争论从未停止过。The debate whether he is a unique stylist or an enchanter playing word games never ends.

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美丽的人,令我心着迷的人儿啊!无论活着还是死去,我都用这一切崇拜您!In life or in death I worship You with these offerings, beautiful one, O enchanter of the heart!

使珍妮·迪恩斯第二次吃惊的事是由那位以慈悲为怀的魔术师的魔杖所引起的。The second surprise had been accomplished for Jeanie Deans by the rod of the same benevolent enchanter.

熟悉的高中传授的是魔法,告诉大家要成为一名出色的魔法师。What familiar high school imparts is blackart, tell everybody to want to become an outstanding enchanter.

工匠不需要幻术师来制作这类物品,但是他们需要达到一个相当高的级别才能给物品附上魔法属性。Crafters will not need an enchanter to create this kind of item. But they need to reach a very high level to get such results.

谁同情被蛇咬伤的术士?谁同情亲近野兽的人?与恶人同行,而陷入他邪恶的人,亦无人怜惜。Who will pity an enchanter struck by a serpent, or any that come near wild beasts? so is it with him that keepeth company with a wicked man, and is involved in his sins.