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光合作用是吸收能量的过程。Photosynthesis is an endergonic process.

非洲堇进行光合作用需要光照。African violets need light for photosynthesis.

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在光合作用时,要发生两个“半反应”。During photosynthesis two "half-reactions" take place.

“植被指数”是对光合作用强度的反映。The vegetation index is a reflection of photosynthesis.

铁和镁不都是光合作用所需要的吗?。And aren't both iron and magnesium needed in photosynthesis?

你还记得在学校学的光合作用课程吗?You remember that photosynthesis lesson you bunked in school?

C3作物光呼吸高,光合速率低。Photorespiration of C3 crops is high, but photosynthesis is low.

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许多海洋浮游植物使用碳酸氢盐离子进行光合作用。Many species of marine phytoplankton use HCO3-1 for photosynthesis.

光合作用的最适温度为20至25摄氏度。The optimal temperature for photosynthesis is 20 to 25 degrees Celsius.

干旱胁迫加重了午间光合作用的光抑制。Drought stress aggravated the photoinhibition of photosynthesis at noon.

树冠是氧的来源,是神奇光合作用的制造者。The crown is the source of oxygen, worker of the magic of photosynthesis.

它们关闭了光合作用,减少了树叶中叶绿素的产量。Photosynthesis shuts down, halting the production of chlorophyll in leaves.

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树木细胞里进行着光合作用,将这些原料合成为糖分。A tree’s cells synthesize sugars from these raw materials via photosynthesis.

气孔导度与净光合速率具有相关性。Meanwhile, the stomatal conductance was related to the net photosynthesis rate.

本文还就光合作用的调控和试验误差的控制进行了讨论。Some discussion on control of photosynthesis and experiment errors was also made.

科学家称光合作用在这些植物中正常的进行着。The scientists say the photosynthesis process continued normally in these plants.

通常,植物是靠一种叫做叶绿体的纤小细胞器完成光合作用的。Usually, plants perform photosynthesis by way of tiny organelles called plastids.

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缺钼大豆的光合作用和固氮酶活性降低。The photosynthesis and the azotaseactivity were decreased in Mo deficient soybean.

而地球上的光合作用仅仅为之前的三分之一到一半。We now co-opt between one third and one half of all the photosynthesis on the planet.

叶绿素是植物叶绿体内参与光合作用的重要色素。Chlorophyll is the important pigment involved in photosynthesis in plant chloroplasts.