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这可能是原因是辨认。It may be that the cause is unidentifiable.

具体例子就是我们这还有一些不能确定身份的遗体。The instance that we have here is unidentifiable remains.

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不可辨认无形资产是指商誉。Unidentifiable intangible assets refer to the commercial credit standing.

在这场灾难死去的人中,大多数是无法确认身份的外来农民工。Most of the people killed in the disaster were unidentifiable migrant farm workers.

无法以确认人和人的绝对体积-部份够奇异的。The sheer volume of unidentifiable creatures and creature-parts was bizarre enough.

我们涌进电影院、俱乐部,吃下数以百万吨计优劣无法鉴别的汉堡和即食饭。We crowd into cinemas and clubs, and eat unidentifiable burgers and ready-meals by the megaton 14.

在矿区的过程中也发现了一些属于不明点子葡萄品种。In the course of the diggings were also found some grape pips belonging to unidentifiable varieties.

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奥比万转身,看见身边站着一个分不清是哪个种族的生物。出于某种不可解的原因,卢克开始变得激动起来。Obi-Wan turned to find an unidentifiable creature standing next to him. Unexplainably, Luke began to fuss.

在他早期作品中出现的一些人影,是一些不明身份的塑像和裁缝用的假人,它们有着椭圆的脑袋,但没有脸。The few humanoid figures in his early paintings were unidentifiable statues and tailors' dummies whose oval heads were faceless.

我们已经在Mush找到了一些哺乳动物骨骼——但尚未经过辨认——除了令人惊讶的化石青蛙,它身体的一些柔软部分保留了下来。We have already found some mammal bones at Mush — as yet unidentifiable — in addition to amazing fossil frogs with soft body parts preserved.

研究人员发现像碗和小酒筒一类的陶制器皿在出土时仍然留有谷物的残渣,并且还发现了一些无法辨认的动物残骸。Researchers found ceramic vessels such as bowls and small drinking cylinders that still contained residues of corn. Unidentifiable animal remains were also discovered.

他隐居在拉斯维加斯和巴哈马,过世后警察甚至不能辨认他的身份,最后还是通过指纹才最终确定,这就是休斯。He became a recluse, living in Las Vegas and the Bahamas, and was so unidentifiable when he died that police had to use his fingerprints to make sure it was actually Hughes.

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探险队同时还发现了几种独特的珍稀植物,有些连植物学家都无法识别,这些标本将送交专家进行更深入的分析和研究。The expedition team also found several unique plant species, some of which were unidentifiable by survey botanists. Those samples will be sent to specialists for further investigation.

这类基因数目大,并且其大多数是不能确定的,有着复杂的相互关系,要求在育种中保持有大量的植物个体。The large number of these genes, most of which are unidentifiable and have complex interrelationships, requires that a large number of individuals be maintained in a breeding programme.

到目前为止,犯罪情景研究院主要依赖于特殊的身体器官,比如牙齿,骨头和韧带来估计一个未出现的人的年龄。Until now, crime scene investigators have depended on the availability of specific body parts, such as teeth, bones or ligaments, for estimating the age of otherwise unidentifiable persons.