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这是相对较新的发现。This is relatively newfound respect.

让我们创建一个实用程序,以练习您新发现的诀窍。Let's create a utility to exercise your newfound mojo.

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满足于这新发现得金属的安静,我去工作了。Satisfied by this newfound mental silence, I got to work.

哈得逊将他的船停靠在新发现的海岸旁…Hudson pointed his ship down the coast of the newfound sea.

怎样将新生的能量引导到一些积极的事情上?How can I channel my newfound energy into something positive?

然而关于新发现化石的测定年代颇存争议。The dating of the newfound fossils is controversial, however.

大卫·阿奎特的前任情人承认,她喜欢自己的新声誉。David Arquette's former fling admits she loves her newfound fame.

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新发现的外星太阳系的最大行星是开普勒-37d。Thebiggest planet in the newfound alien solar system is Kepler-37d.

她将新增加的适应力大部分归功于数据的力量。And she attributes much of her newfound fitness to the power of data.

现在您可以使用这个新兴功能开始管理设备了。You are now ready to start managing devices with this newfound power.

谢天谢地,这些刚刚认识的马儿朋友们给我指明了方向。Thankfully, my newfound equine friends nodded me in the right direction.

在Hendricksons计划做什么做的新Stewie名人吗?What do the Hendricksons plan on doing with Stewie's newfound celebrity?

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接着用这新的能力,伊利丹杀死了恐惧魔王提克迪奥斯。He had then used his newfound might to destroy the dreadlord Tichondrius.

她新得到的名望使得在90多岁的时候出演了更多的电影与电视。Her newfound fame resulted in more film and television work into her 90s.

新发现的星体其中几颗可能因其足够庞大而被归类于矮行星。Some of the newfound objects may be large enough to qualify as dwarf planets.

对于自己新近被发掘的公益意识,王有着非常个人化的理由。Wang has very personal reasons for her newfound sense of public spiritedness.

你觉得富人现在应当低调行事吗,还是觉得他们新近兴起的节俭之风不像美国人?Do you think the rich should lay low, or is their newfound thrift un-American?

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作为电影界的一名性格演员,亨明斯最近开始走红。Hemmings is enjoying a newfound popularity as a character actor in the movies.

但就雷霆队超强的适应能力来说,和勇士队的这场对决还是颇有看头。But the team's newfound ability to adapt will serve it well against the Warriors.

这颗新发现的行星在离母星很近的地方公转,每4.88天旋转一周。The newfound world orbits very close to its star, revolving once every 4.88 days.