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他们害怕并且鄙视男性化。They fear and despise the masculine.

公牛,公羊,国王和男演员都是阳性的。Bull, ram, king and actor are masculine.

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法语中“屏幕”一词为"ecran",是阳性单数。" in French and is masculine and singular.

裸肝细胞组均呈阳性。In the FHT group, There was always masculine.

不拘言笑更显男人味。Less smiling makes a man look more masculine.

予人柔软及有气质的男仕香水。Velvety masculine scent of sweet meadow flowers.

看他棱角分明的下巴和男子汉的体魄!Look at his sculpted chin and masculine physique!

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李雨春短头发,看起来有点男孩气。Liyuchun looks a bit masculine with such short hair.

留着短发的李玉春看起来像个男孩子。Li Yuchun looks a bit masculine with such short hair.

我是男人,一个非常阳刚的男人,我剃腋毛。I am a man and a very masculine one and shave my pits.

这位歌剧演唱家有一副深沉而又浑厚有力的嗓音。The opera singer HAS a deep, Booming, masculine voice.

而那名瘦高的男孩子叫胡东。But that loses a tall masculine kid to phone beard Asian.

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我在中国见过不少高大威猛的性感肌肉男。I have seen some very masculine HOT and BIG Chinese dudes.

你认为男性穿著裙款仍能表现得男子气慨吗?。Do you think men in skirts can also project a masculine image?

甚至连我们电影中的英雄形象也不再是动作硬汉和肌肉男了。Even our entertainment heroes have lost their masculine muscle.

军旂旁那位有男子气概的古罗马女经理具有男子风度。The masculine Roman matron director by the banner had man's style.

思路男性化抗议导致阿德勒与弗洛伊德之间的裂痕。Ideas about Masculine Protest led to a rift between Adler and Freud.

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让她感到你男性的力量,但是很明显不要把她弄疼了。Let her feel your masculine strength, but don't, obviously, hurt her.

最后,在性别理论看来,哲人男性气质中的怒气。Finally, for gender theory the masculine anger of the philosopher, Mr.

在法语中,词语有阴阳性和单复数的变化。In French, words are either masculine or feminine, singular or plural.