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我老婆更像个金桔子。My wife's more like a kumquat.

要求颜色不含杂色,以金橘色为最佳。Request color without noise, with kumquat color is the best.

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目的探讨金橘黄酮的抗氧化效果。ObjectiveTo study the antioxidant effect of kumquat flavonoids.

金桔。红栆的分级节省大量的人工和费用。Kumquat. Hung Zao saving a lot of the classification of artificial and costs.

综述了国内外金柑开发利用的研究进展,旨在为金柑的综合利用提供参考依据。The research progress of developed utilization of kumquat home and abroad were summarized in this paper.

通过碘量法检测金橘黄酮类及柠檬苦素类提取物的抗氧化活性。Antioxidation activity of extracts from kumquat with flavone or limonin as solvent was studied by the iodine method.

你看Kumquat太太走时比来时还生气,她说再也不会用顶级贸易公司的产品了!But it seems that Mrs Kumquat left our offices even angrier than when she came in and she says she will never use Tip Top Trading again!

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本研究模拟热水冲泡之条件,探讨经热水处理后之四季桔与长实金柑所含精油及挥发性成分之变化。The objection of this study is to analyzed changes of essential oil constituents in oval kumquat and calamondin after hot water treatments.

首先,在春节来临之前,全家人就要整理房间,把每一个房间都布置得干净整洁,我们还要买一些植物来装扮房间,像金橘树这种意味着幸运的树木啦。First, before the festival, our family will make the rooms clean and tidy. We buy some plants to decorate the house, such as kumquat trees which mean luckiness.

白氏农业投资有限公司依托产业莲资源,进行金桔茶\金桔糕点等地方特色旅游产品的开发。White's Agricultural Investment Co. , relying on the industry development of lotus resources, kumquat tea cakes, kumquat local characteristics of tourism products.

在街头,一些好彩头的盆栽如“步步高”、“鸿运当头”等,披挂着大红的中国结和小灯笼,被放置在各大小花店的显眼处。As symbols of prosperity and happiness, Kumquat trees and fushou fruit trees are placed in front of stalls of the market. These flowers and trees are decorated with red lanterns.

果脯,比如克莱门氏小柑橘,橘子,杏子,当归,猕猴桃,金橘等。纯厚的糖浆停留在水果的中央带给你最甜蜜的味蕾感受以及最美好的享受。Candied fruits, like Clementine, orange, apricot, angelica, kiwi, kumquat etc. The dedicate syrup stays in the heart of fruits for your sweetest taste buds experience and best pleasure.

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本品选用地道纯正的天然无核红枣、金桔等果肉,采用科学方法精制而成,使之食用更加方便、有效,是日常养生的理想食品。This candy used Natural No-pit chinese. Date or sarcocarp of kumquat etc. to refined under science prescription, makes them easier for eating and more effect. It is an ideal enjoyable health food.

金桔除了适合观赏之外,还可以拿来食用或泡茶,妙用相当多,因此每逢春节金桔盆栽可说是畅销热卖。In addition to using it as a decoration, you can do lots of other things with Kumquat as well, such as add it to food or tea. These features usually make Kumquat bonsai a hot item during the New Year.